OneHandedSquire thinks the post office is good

I would love to see no-knock warrants served for all involved in purging those records. 4AM, geared up, busting down doors, bullets in bed sheets. The whole nine yards of “policing” for all of them. I mean that’s how we treat alleged criminals in America right?

“purged in error” “the 63.3 percent error rate” “prone to tremendous error

It’s clearly a hot dog.

We’re never going to be rid of this damn family now, are we?

Stacey Abrams had her election stolen by voter suppression. Was there anybody who thought it wouldn’t get worse?

Is this a sandwich or a taco?

So apparently this is going to be the “but her emails” of this cycle, where the media essentially adopts and amplifies conservatives’ bad faith, impossible-to-meet, ever-shifting demands that Biden sufficiently denounce rioting and looting and violence (oh, you repeatedly denounce looting? rioting? but did you

Give that good dog some cheese, dangit.

dude shoulda changed the name to gram’s camera shop when he opened it. but then we couldnt have this if he did.

Well, Tom Gram now has very public misrepresentations, so if he suffers material harm, like say if his business is not as profitable as it had been during the previous eight years, it could introduce additional avenues for tort claims  against John Rode III and Trump.

mac and cheese... where do you get these crazy ideas from??

Did Junior Mint’s girlfriend write a cookbook that you are now Julia&Julia-ing through?

MKE guy here to say I KNEW he'd pull some shit like this. Newsflash to all the dumb fucks who wanted Trump to come to Kenosha: he doesn't give two shits about any of you. He's here for the votes because he knows his grip on Wisconsin is tenuous and he knows that losing Wisconsin could be catastrophic for his campaign.

Laura Loomer is exactly the kind of crank that the Trump campaign would cozy up to. Maybe Lara was just shading her as a pleb she had to tolerate for the photos.

Still, it’s unclear just how closely the Trump campaign—or Lara Trump—wants to associate with Loomer in the first place.

I mean, it happened and he just ignored it.

I don’t think many people are out there *cheering on* rioting.

You have some bad apples, we all know that, and those will be taken care of through the system, and nobody’s going to be easy on them either.”

Wow, he got a a crisis actor to pretend to own a camera shop.

Oh, I know the logical arguments against doing it. I just don’t care and, frankly, find it to be smacking of cowardice and a dose of avarice. The reporters don’t want to lose access and the potential career options (though I’d argue you’d immediatly become a defiant symbol of sanity that the left would hurl dumptrucks