OneHandedSquire thinks the post office is good


You know you’ve done fucked up when you’ve got Raffi coming for you.

Fuck. I hadn’t even thought of that. Still, it’s a small price to pay for him being in the cold ground where he can’t continue to ratfuck our democracy.

And an extra big fuck you” to this man. Sure Mitch, let’s all have a big laugh as we slide naked down a giant greased razor blade into Great Depression 2: This Time with Climate Change, a Pandemic, and Aliens Maybe?

Yeah, kinda reminds of this piece on how comparing Trump to George Wallace is an insult to George Wallace. Short of him somehow getting reverse Phineas Gaged, Trump will carry on being a racist illustration of the Dunning-Kruger effect until the merciful day they put him in the ground.

I’m sure the NRA will use the full power of its platform to make sure that this young man exercising his 2nd Amendment rights gets justice; just like they did for Philandro Castile and Kenneth Walker.

I’m not thrilled about his “exsanguinate the young” policy, but at least he tells it like it is and won’t take my guns and cheeseburgers, unlike that shrill AOC.

Maybe cops should assume they’re risking arrest any time they lay hands on a suspect who isn’t a danger to themselves or others. Last I checked, flogging single cigarettes and passing a bad 20 do not a danger to the community make.

You know what they say, “brevity is the soul of wit.” ;)

I read a profile of McNinny not too long ago that suggests she does have a moral compass, it just doesn’t point to the philosophical equivalent of North. It points to a Christian dominionist dystopia. To her, the lying seems to be a form of martyrdom for the cause of Christian hegemony. Chilling shit.

Not at all. I’m saying that’s a thing we would expect to happen, if cops were just a normal profession that doesn’t have systems that encourage domestic violence. If the 40% figure from the 90s hasn’t decreased by much, stayed flat or gone up, then that’s pretty damning evidence of another thing that’s rotten in the

Thanks for saying so. Though it always gets a little harder to order my thoughts, I find that makes it all the more important to do.

Yeah, especially in this instance, since if that number is still in the 40% ballpark that would say a lot about police culture. My hypothesis would be that the number should drop somewhat as Greatest, Silent, and Boomer generation cops, who were raised in a culture more tolerant of domestic violence, aged out. But, if

I suppose I could be wrong then, if they’re based on recent information. Do you have a link?

I suppose I could be wrong then, if they’re based on recent information. Do you have a link?

Everybody knows the only aliens lame enough to visit Earth in 2020 are those dopes from Alpha Centauri A, who look exactly like Swedish tourists.

Those definitely sound like some plausible theories. Whatever the reason, I do kind of wonder why, with all these tidbits slinking out, Fox News hasn’t been blasting “ALIENS!!!” into the amygdala of every Boomer uncle. You’d think that would be a great message to support runaway military spending and xenophobia?

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Hang in there! We just may yet beat these jokers.