Sister-in-law, is that you???
Sister-in-law, is that you???
This dude at the Desoto Drift event last weekend was absolutely thrashing his '94 Miata. How do I know? Because he rolled the car.
I drink bottled water thank you very much.
Underground Racing will probably have one done by the weekend.
Too bad. I was hoping DMX would legally beat the shit out of him.
<3 U
more importantly, destroying the local ecosystem!
I'm in the business - yes it was.
threw down a piece of cheese and it just didn't work
The question we all are hanging on is: did it have a manual transmission? If so we're dealing with elite car thieves, with skills that surpass the average for their profession.
However this guy wants to play, more power to him. That said, I've never seen so many thinkpieces/news stories/posts devoted to a guy who's won 4 games of Jeopardy!
Just swap out this guy with Chu.
Is that a fat joke, Micheal?
I BEG your pardon?!
Fucking coyotes.
Must be from those fires and droughts.