
Yeah, and I'm sure your ethics make you cry when ever someone wins the lottery too. Get over yourself, dude.

Walking around college campuses with a petition to ban dihydrogen monoxide from foods and drinks is the easiest way to troll overzealous first-year students.

I honestly did not know that we have this many Hindus in American. God bless diversity!

Just because you put a party flag above your door doesn't make you any more inviting Haunted Barn.

Welcome to the Kotaku comments section; The Worst Place on Earthâ„¢

For so many reasons, Xenogears is one of my all time favorites.

Are you... having a conversation with somebody? Maybe on Skype or something and you just typed it here by accident?

If a game requires interesting choices, then the original Super Mario Bros., the best-selling game of all time until Wii Sports came along, isn't a game. Unless, I guess, "go right" is an interesting choice. Gone Home has way more choices about which direction to go in than SMB.

"High-octane introspection."

The gendering of toys goes way deeper than McDonald's, and I'm going to go out on a limb and say that you're smart enough to understand that and you're just trolling here for a bit of fun.

You've not played the game yet you declare it a "steaming pile of shit"? Why even bother commenting?

I can do that design up in a 15 year old vector program. What would you prefer in the design, some active 3d ray tracing? It is neat that someone hacked the horrible UI in word to do this but it speaks more to the skill of the user than it will ever of the program.

You do know that you're doing the same exact thing they are, right? Your OP was nothing but flame bait. Also using blanket statements like "Has details like that ever stopped them from using things to proudly beat their chests?" doesn't really help either.

Also, no real cat would have a reason to hate Mondays, due to your average housecat being unemployed! Where is the realism in comics, I ask you?

The joke is that it's hopeless to clear the backlog, as shown by his decay into insanity that led to burning the PC. Burning the PC is not meant to be a solution, and it isn't, as wee see Gabe coming out of the smoke. This is the joke.

Square. Triangle. Circle. X.

Sorry, but being cruel out of a sense of insecurity is not something a person should hang on to. He's learning to let go of that and be a kinder person, and criticizing him for that is absolute bullshit.

You do realize that was the comic that really sparked off the Dickwolves controversy, right? That wasn't Gabe and Tycho being actually apologetic, that was them in a tongue and cheek sort of manner making fun of people who were offended by the comic. All the shitty things that Gabe did, such as fight rape survivors on…

While it may have started as whining, his responses are what riled people up. Also if you aren't a rape victim, or trans, then you can't judge what is or isn't offensive to them.