
Over the last month, we have shared with you our top games from the year 2013. Ten picks from each of us. On average. Kinda. Following rules is hard.

actually, i didn't use a filter on any of the instagram photos embedded here. some of them use HDR, though none of them use a filter.

You're the worst kind of person, and the industry would be the better for it if your dollars lost their voting privileges.

Or, y'know, they gave it high scores because they actually liked it.

There are valid criticisms of Gone Home to be made that have nothing to do with homophobia.

There are ALSO a lot of criticisms being made that are clearly homophobic (or at least...homophobic-adjacent, I guess?).

Guess who just made an impulse purchase.

It really pisses me off how people relate cel shaded to a cartoon therefore it's a kid's game. Anything that has a colorful art style or even stylized with cartoonish features instantly gets labeled as a cartoon game for kids. Like when people bash WoW's or Torchlight 2's art style and say it looks like cartoon.

Disliking anal sex does not make you a homophobe. Hijacking the comment thread on an article about the difficult socio-psychological dynamics of coming out so that you can declare how much you dislike the gross people who have poop sex DOES make you homophobic, and kind of a trolly little asshole. So, congratulations

I would respond to this, but I can't, because it's not an actual interesting post, just some condescending troll of little value.

She's a 26 year old woman.

Investigating a way to remove the always online component?

I'd be okay if this was the visual direction FEZ 2* went in. Breaking down all that makes sense to become even more puzzling.

I'm all for a good moan, being British, but seriously Internet, it's:

Chess 2: Chess Harder

Please stop murdering the word "hipster."

It's not meant to be Ulysses. She isn't entertaining the pretension that this one ukulele song is going to satiate all of mankind's broken-hearted yearning for a glimpse of truth or meaning in this mortal existence. It's a silly song. That's it. I've written them, chances are you've written them even if it's just

Final Fantasy has always had really odd names, often taken from various languages and mythologies.

GameSave Manager works pretty well for PC saves. You can scan for, and backup all your saves at once. When you restore them, they all go in the right place.