
He researches, scripts, produces and edits his videos as cultural coment for the entertainment and education of people - and he does so under a Patreon agreement.
That’s called work or, as some economists might also call it; labour.
Labour for which he’s entitled remuneration.

you irl

Here’s the issue. There is an entire continent here, that was once filled with a wide variety of people, all with different cultures and belief systems, who had their own complicated internal and external politics, including intertribal wars. All of these complex belief systems, all of these cultures, were condensed

I believe pretty strongly in giving proper spoiler warnings for, say, details of a story, but we’re talking about the names of video games here.

That’s kind of reductive, don’t you think?

It’s sad how people minimize quality titles with terms like hipster. Ignorant, and sad.

Well, the other side of that is another AAA regurgitated samefest -, Halo, Ass Creed, Call of Duty, Battle(field)front, Madden, Fallout, etc. Sure, they’re enjoyable. So are the indie hipster games. Being derisive and repetative isn’t necessarily bad (See star wars 7,) just as being out there, nonsensical, and low

I don’t think its been a slow drip, they showed the trailer in June, then showed MORE shit in December, we got more information about this remake then ALL of Versus/XV in the 10 years of its development.

Actually they would call him "Nahual" thats the local terminology for a man that can turn into a beast.

I'd be curious if there were any hits from the in-game Eve Online browser.

GR8 B8 M8.

I was told yes, but I haven't tried it. Whatever games you "bought" on the XB1 when you had Gold is still yours. When you re-start Gold, you regain access to those games, but you don't get any of the free games during the months when you weren't Gold.

I get what you're saying, and I agree that more original characters of color should be created and promoted, but I disagree that giving a pre-existing black character the Captain America mantle has the diminishing effect that you argue in your comment. The notion that who becomes the next Captain America even has to

Nothing is worse than having to explain as well- and thoroughly-argued a piece as this to some dingus who's pretending not to get it, but: Brazil lost because they made soccer mistakes they wouldn't ordinarily make, because the guys they've trained for countless hours to depend upon weren't there to be depended upon,

If the reason people hate Kotaku is because of honest articles like this, then the writers at Kotaku should be proud of how many hateful and bigoted people dislike them. I think there are legitimate criticisms one can have for the site, but if this is what you're bothered by, I hope they welcome your absurd, archaic

This is a great article: well-written, intriguing, and emotional.

This is screenburn, not kotaku.

Oh great, the entire concept-trend-obsolescence life cycle has played out for VR without a proper model ever getting into consumer hands. The privileged press has fallen in and out of love with VR and declared it over before it even had a chance to begin for the rest of us plebs.

The six-word horror story.

Reading these sort of comments sometimes make me wish I was into something else aside from games. While enthusiasts of art, movies, and even literature are generally willing to educate and include others in their interests, gamers operate their hobby like it's some exclusive club. Those people who are showing an