
Actually, I know what the article contributions. Let’s not lump it in with this worthless comment.

something something nerd something something lazy joke format

From a technical and production standpoint, having the game run at two simultaneous yet separate framerates sounds like an absolute nightmare.

I’d say go for it. I typically play on normal (or easy, if I’m not super into the mechanics), but the souls games are my favorite games of all time. Critically, they’re difficult in a different way than other games. They’re less about the moment-to-moment trigger speed and more about a mindset, a patience and

There's a whole section in the article above explicitly stating something the first Fallouts did better.

Makes sense, thanks! I hadn't seen this discussed anywhere yet, and thought it might be useful information. :)

Out of curiosity, what if your gold expires but then you pick it back up later? Do you get access to those games again?

It's not a problem because sex workers exist, it's how those sex workers are represented and depicted.

This is a great video! I watched it just the other day and quite enjoyed it (I'm a graphic designer, myself.)

However, I'm not entirely sure what it has to do with the article above.

This kind of art takes tremendous skill and talent, but it's absolutely cheaper. Even just paying for a professional 3D engine would eat up a huge percentage of their kickstarter funds, and that's not even taking into account the other tools and hardware needed for that sort of development.

So, yes. This.

Art like this? No, they can't. They really, really can't.


I'm actually going to agree with this. The mechanics aren't so complex, and the intensity and complexity of the story is what drew me in. Specifically, this is the game that made me really love JRPGs.

Why would complexity of plot be a stopping point for a beginner? This JRPG beginner might have watched hundreds of TV shows, read dozens of book, might have a degree in comparative literature.

When given the choice, I sometimes choose a female avatar simply because it's more interesting to have more diverse representation. Take Mass Effects, for example; I've read and played and watched hundreds of stories will militant spacedudes kicking ass. It's a bit refreshing - just a little less boring - to see a

Also possible: the people who didn't want it before aren't even the same people who now still want it.

Public opinion isn't this weird, monolithic thing.

As to why you did those things? I think you need to search your heart for the answer.

You understand that gay people are human beings who live lives, right, where porn and pillows are not?

Agreed, retail looks much nicer overall, even if the lighting is a bit less dramatic.

And you're an insufferable jerk. Who behaves like this?