
From the article:

"NYCSoccer says he's not planning on leaving video games behind because of the things he hears when he plays online. Rather, it's fatherhood that's pulling him away from the analog sticks."

I don't know about "ruining the experience," but it absolutely keeps me from playing some games, in the same way that I wouldn't go to a party full of racist dicks, either. It's not a matter of being "overly sensitive," it's a matter of not wanting to spend time with unpleasant, awful people, which I think is a pretty

I don't think anybody is saying that art and literature can't or shouldn't deal with dark or uncomfortable themes. 1Q84 is, in part, an exploration of that darkness. It has nothing to do with "getting away with it." It can "get away with it" because it's a knowing, sensitive work, where the uglier parts of Bravely

(That said, Edea is loud and brave and totally rules and I will recommend her forever.)

Haruki Murakami isn't a good touchstone here. He's one of the finest living novelists, and his works are deep, beautiful, and yeah, often dark. Bravely Default is quite obviously a very different thing. It's essentially a cartoon (in the Saturday morning sense,) and not a very profound one at that. This isn't a

I'm with you. And as noted elsewhere in the article, it's not just the aesthetic; Bravely Default's gross creepiness is so pervasive that, despite my high enjoyment of the game, I would basically never recommend it to anyone. The first 15 hours have been basically non-stop sexual harassment of the female characters.

It has jet engines, so it propels itself forward (in way simple terms) by pushing itself off against air. Ergo, doesn't deliver power to the wheels.

Probably because they don't actually look like games from 5 years ago.

Goddamn that is impressive. Chills.

Plot isn't all there is to storytelling. FFXIII builds its world and characters with a super-glossy aesthetic that's totally absent here. The writing itself is even totally different, since it's in a different medium entirely.

This just sounds like you watched a video of boring people with unfortunate taste in camera angles.

Visual novels have a very specific aesthetic and mechanical language. Gone Home doesn't use that language; it uses the language of western-style first-person games.

I would also argue that the claim that "the very essence of a game is the ability to make interesting choices" excludes huge sections of game history. Was

"Like someone did, you can remake the design of Apple's iOS 7 in Word."

Whoever told you this is wrong. Not to say that you should have different preferences or any such thing! But I say this as a designer: you really, /really/ would not be able to design iOS 7 in Word.

Yeah, as detailed above, userbase is the lifeblood of any console. Consoles exist purely to sell games.

It's sort of like how theaters often times bleed money paying for the rights and equipment to actually show the films; they make all of their money on the back end, with food sales (which is why popcorn is so

I just want to point out that arguing whether or not something is funny in the comments section of a videogame website is one of the very worst ways to find out if something is actually funny or not.

X button is strength.
X button is purity.
X button is faith.

"Those aren't buttons"
"That isn't a videogame"

Pedants like you are LITERALLY RUINING the ENTIRE games industry


>no left click

How much did Nintendo have to pay you for this article?

Who, exactly, is calling for government censure or action? I haven't seen a single instance of this. So what are you even talking about?

"most likely it was never read by the people crying the loudest"

Ironic, then, that you would invent strawman to combat in your own argument.