

The game is called Myst.

Tyrantrum is definitely going on my team as well. Will he be somewhat redundant with Tyranitar? I don't even care.

If people actually knew, though, you wouldn't see terms like "70-90," we would just have a number. You know?

First, holy shit, spoiler tag please?

Second, is this confirmed as everything? I haven't heard anything definitive.

I don't think the final number of Pokemon has been confirmed for real.

I've mostly just seen 4chan "leaks" and disproven trolls so far.

I've heard 70 thrown around by people worried having heard that someone heard that there were 70. So, I wouldn't worry about it too much. :)

What I heard happened is that one of the leakers playing through a section of the game and had found 70 up to the point. Again, this is hearsay of the worst kind and not to be

I have one: concert photographers are generally only allowed to take pictures of the band during the first three songs. After that, they are usually kicked out of the pit by security.

I've never actually played Second Life, but the weird snark and total lack of information in this post inspired me to see how it's actually doing.

I would actually play that game.

In response to your parenthetical: I really hope so! Fez was one of my favorite games this generation. And it was obviously a labor of love. I'm not sure that sort of passion is something you can just turn off.

Yeah. I only just recently played through Fez; incredible, amazing game. That Fez II is canceled is a huge loss. :(

In the design, it says what type the pokemon is. The color is there to reinforce the text. This is doubly a strange criticism given that types have been associated with a color code for years. It's well-understood and uncontroversial.

They have time to play GTAV but not enough time to read a little bit about it?

No, they're claiming it's 64 bit and that it happens to be twice as fast due to it being a newer, faster processor. While I'm delighted by your 90's reference, the butt of the joke should be Apple, not your poor reading comprehension skills.

"Scientists say they've found the neural origin of humans' 'sixth sense'"

We could do another study - and this would in fact be very valuable - about how people conflate science reporting with the science itself.

(The title of the paper being discussed here is "Topographic Representation of Numerosity in the Human Parietal Cortex.")

For what it's worth, neither the regular 3DS or XL fits very well in your pocket. Unless you wear cargo pants or love the look of a giant bulge on your leg.

This was all a ruse to get people to show you awesome cat stuff, wasn't it?

Example 2

It was heidelbergensis. Homo ergaster may have found its way to Europe in the form of Homo antecessor, though this is still somewhat controversial.