
"Use Gold Keys to get guaranteed Rare items, with a chance of an Epic drop!"

This sentence makes me feel kind of melancholy in a way I can't even really begin to articulate.

It's like the zany, low-budget yet charming and soulful B-movie of scientific theories.

While some who opposed her ideas certainly did so for reasons of entrenched misogyny, there are countless reasons why the AAH doesn't make scientific sense. For what it's worth, the hypothesis (and the reasons for its nonsense) were taught to me by Professor Nina Jablonski, noted expert on the evolution of human skin

The armor is NCR Ranger armor, which is why during their conversation she (possibly wrongly) assumes his association with the NCR. The Survavlist was a pre-war soldier who recovered the armor after he came out of the cave, so that much fits, though I'm not sure the setting and his trying to find someone does. This

The different ways humans have treated the dead are innumerable. Mass graves in our and many cultures are seen to be barbaric and profoundly uncivilized. Many cultures see the dead as something to be respected and tended to, even if they weren't respected and tended to in life.

You describing cars as "things that get you from point A to point B" indicates that you're firmly outside of the target demographic for these sorts of games. That's not a bad thing; they're just designed for people who are really intense about cars.

Confirming that, yes, you are indeed more hipster than this video.

U.S.A.! U.S.A.!

Wait, why can't those happen still?

Did anybody actually know the details of the family plan? I'm not sure we even know what we may or may not have lost.

Technically, Fahey could issue a DMCA takedown notice to have it taken down, since the seller doesn't have copyright or any licensing rights over the image. eBay doesn't enforce it because, in fact, it can't; the rights holder (Fahey) has to put in the request.

Of course most people won't give a shit in this sort of

He's just staring at it, bewildered.

Jokes about what someone said are often funnier when they aren't willfully misrepresenting what was said.

I assume because this provides more exposure for the artist than a ninja edit of a previous article. :)


Really interesting, thanks!

For me, it recalls the rectangular metro design language that Microsoft has been playing with for a few years. I'm almost certain that's what they were going for.

I mean, it's obviously pre-rendered. You're not going to have those angles while you play the game. But that doesn't mean the footage wasn't generated in-engine. The graphics seem well within the realm of plausibility.

Indeed, there's a lot to a racing game beyond that.

How many cars will there be?
Do they have an interesting new licenses?
What tracks are included?
Are there any interesting real-world tracks that they're introducing?
What will the physics engine be like?
Will it be modifiable as in past Forzas?
-and on and on.


You are just so sweet.