
Most of these seem pretty reasonable. You're SUPPOSED to have some trouble with the forest of illusion. That's what it's there for. The graphics question is a throwaway. But the end screen question only comes up after they've been successful in beating the whole game, so it hardly seem like serious trouble with the

He engages with that in the article, even within the very first paragraph.

I would recommend reading it.

Brienne always struck me as "hideous" because of cultural perceptions around her, not just because she was somehow inherently disgusting. This isn't necessarily the "correct" reading (if that can exist,) but that's been my perception. Her values adhere to masculine values of that world, she's physically imposing,

Metroid: Other M runs counter to everything you've just said. It's a notoriously problematic work for a variety of reasons that have been repeated ad nausueum here and elsewhere. Saying "she's a galactic bounty hunter" does not engender her with depth and nuance - that's telling, not showing, which is at best poor

Samus has always seemed like a future-scientific Brienne of Tarth to me. At least within our current cultural mores she would be seen as decidedly un-ladylike. She's a soldier, a mercenary, a fighter of uncompromising physical and mental peak. She would, quite frankly, make a lot of people somewhat uncomfortable,

I thought Lara sounded "like she's having sex" 0 times throughout the game.

Somewhat misleading. Shinkai's first films were a minute and a half and five minutes long, respectively, and his later works are absolutely fully staffed by different specialists. The earlier work he did himself probably drove him half-mad with the insane workload.

A creator doing the sort of thing you're talking

I think it's more that games like EVE (and even MUDs) have very particular cultural contexts. If you can't be bothered to know what EVE really is or how it works, then your casual judgment and dismissal come off as mean-spirited and lazy.

Not trying to be mean, but your post came off as tremendously insensitive.

Surely this is the face of intellectual and moral integrity on the internet.

So brave.

Now with a little arrow for easy finding!

Obviously it's his opinion and his right to tell it, but telling people to "deal with it" is remarkably unprofessional.

So the online-only thing WAS just DRM after all.

There is a massive difference between being "rich" (as some of them very well may be) and being able to personally fund an entire videogame project. Eurogamer may be surprised to know that wealthy people also take out loans, use credit, and seek out funding for projects of all kinds.

I think you are correct in principle. However, Japanese games, for many of us, aren't an exotic, unfamiliar dish with strange flavors and textures. Many of us have been playing Japanese videogames literally our entire lives. As someone born in the 80's, I had nothing but experience with Japanese games the first decade

There are lots of things that are both immensely enjoyable and problematic. We all have a complex relationship with the media that we consume; "enjoyment" isn't just an on-off switch. Surely accusations of half-lies are rather inappropriate in this instance.

You're both right and wrong. Mew is a legendary, but there are also a variety of "psuedo-legendaries" with a baste stat total of 600. There are also some legendaries with base stat total of <600 (Raikou has 580, for example.)

Patricia's articles are excellent, if only in that they generate such delicious tears, even when she hasn't even written anything.

1. Just FYI you probably shouldn't refer to black people with language like "a black." See also: "the gays."

On the upside, at least the people you mentioned as being unrepresented were types of human being. That puts you a step above some of the other examples I've seen recently.