
"I've reached out to Sony for comment on the situation, but in the meantime, it seems worth saying that the conversation—for me at least—isn't so much to say Sony or PS4 developers are sexist. That's an easily derailed conversation that will revolve around disputing what type of companies these are."

Race, age, sexual preference, and gender are only irrelevant to those who have never been inconvenienced or even hurt on account of them.

Or you could just not read the articles that you're not interested in?

Properly speaking, the audience antagonizes itself here. There are many, many circles in which Patricia's content would be in no way controversial. Basically, just because you find them to be flame bait doesn't mean that that's what they are, generally. Which isn't to diminish your opinion; but not everyone who

I can absolutely guarantee that Alexa will be less accurate than Kotaku's in-house metrics. For those that don't know, Alexa rankings are gathered only by data from the Alexa Toolbar, which you have to install on your browser (IE, Chrome, or Firefox.) This introduces loads of bias that can't particularly be trusted,

"we're going to write it and you can't stop us"

It was probably the cocaine.

This is absolutely an endurance record. Points and lives and time are related, but the points record and the time record are separate records.

I watched George Leutz's stream the last time he attempted this. He seems like a genuinely good, interesting guy, and I'm really glad to see him finally achieve this!

Very helpful, thank you. :D

I got to yours before seeing those other posts.

Thanks for this!

I suspect we've been culturally trained to "read" this class of big, magical monsters as "dragon." As you say, it has nothing to do with actual, objective similarities, they just all get filed under the same word in our brain-space.

You yourself are misrepresenting the argument made by the article. This strikes me as hypocritical, if not just a touch daft.

I'm part-way certain that this is some kind of strange medieval philosophy troll, but I've also been around the ideas in a serious way throughout most of my life, and haven't considered or engaged with them in a serious way in a while. So, fool's errand or not.

Nintendo: your fans are your biggest asset. They are your most precious resource. Stop exploiting them with asinine policies, or someday you'll lose them.

Yeah, I just got excited. :D

Yeah, it's never been super clear to me how involved any of these figures were. If you have any interviews or anything with him talking about it, I'd be glad to read!

I think it's important to remember that Antony Johnston is a comics writer, not a game designer. His opinions on games are still interesting, of course, but it's somewhat outside of his professional expertise.