
I would be more sympathetic to this had they claimed a more "gamey" experience. They do not. Their website clearly states that "it abandons all traditional game play." The Steam page urges you to "forget the normal rules of play." They were quite upfront about what it is, as was most of the media surrounding the game

So, weirdly aggressive nerds > cocky nerds, then?

Getting mad at people about stuff that's associated with /v/ is like getting pissed off at your friends when they mistreat you in a dream.

The question was concerning the state of games in Japan today. I don't think Fish ever rejected the influence of old-school Japanese games (though I'm not super familiar with what happened, so I'd be happy to be proven wrong!)

How different would this have been if the guy asking the question wasn't Japanese?

Acting like a jerk sometimes doesn't necessarily make you a jerk in essence. People tend to be more complex than that.

"Maybe he should let the consumers decide what is too expensive."

There's a huge number of reasons people would use tweets as a source.

This seems entirely noncontroversial to me. I can imagine tons of scenarios where this would be useful.

It's easy to make any story sound stupid by being so dismissive about it. And it's easy to make a story sound cool by just being earnest enough about it.

I would argue that to the younger generation, "real life" doesn't automatically exclude what's online. Having grown up with and in some important ways within the internet, my own experience is that the line between online and real life are often murky at best. A blow or boon to one's esteem and identity aren't

I don't care if you think she's skilled or not. That has zero relevance to any of this.

If someone so rewarded awesome hard-working people for the most cynical, soul-deadening reasons in the world, I wouldn't give a shit.

Did you know that there are people working on THIS VERY WEBSITE that don't contribute to the articles you read?

You find it weird that people hire other people for their skills?

Okay, we get it, you don't believe that people can be generous AND be publicly proud of it.

Yeah, shooting the money into space! Now THAT would've shown real moral integrity.

I read the article this morning and found it to be mostly nonsense. For example, the author invokes the "affective fallacy" as if it were a true fallacy, and not a now largely-disregarded bit of New Media criticism. The criticism is borderline stupid when applied to videogames, which by their nature are works intended

Scratchy and loud is one of its greatest charms. :)

In the original story, the Mountain King was indeed a troll. Double-fit!