
This is obviously not the same thing as somebody simply demanding something from someone for no reason.

This guy always seems incredibly disingenuous when he talks about this issue. I don't really care if he "ripped off" Minecraft or not. If he can play with similar ideas and be successful, good for him. It's the weird dishonesty that makes me dislike him - not as a creator, but as a human being.

Kyle Munkittrick is a writer for Discover Magazine, Slate, Pop Bioethics, etc. as well as the program director at the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies. Define "real job".

This was a nice story, thanks. And - welcome to Kotaku. :)

Though, in fairness, many aren't getting paid in much more than marbles.

Wait, wait. Has anybody confirmed that Kojima is in fact NOT Ryan Gosling? This could be really serious.

I'll gladly ignore that fucking review on your recommendation, but this Uncharted review seems pretty reasonable.

(And I'm definitely not a lawyer! So if please do tell me if I'm just being ignorant!)

There seems to be a lot of misconception here. Being the creator of something doesn't necessarily hold much weight, legally, even if you think that it should on ethical or "fairness" grounds.

Nearly every major creative studio in the world has such contracts. If you get a job tomorrow as a comic book artist for Marvel, and you come up with a hero design, you do not own that hero.

So wise!

This is a bright, shining world you envision, where all rights to creations fall to creators.

What a disappointment. The wandering through the lonely night lended such soulfulness to the first game.

Additionally, Joystiq rates according to whether or not they feel you should play it, with a 5 simply meaning "Yes."

I was shocked when I found out, too!

Your first comment was good! It had a clear thesis, stated an opinion reasonably with reasonable caveats, and clearly indicated that you're not a troll or other variety of sociopath.

"Wow, what an awesomely realistic game."

That sounds downright dastardly!

On the first point, then, we basically agree.

No, the offer is to CHOOSE two free games. You could definitely make good on a deal, just not THAT deal.