
That looks really delicious.

What? I have Skyrim now, I don't have time for all that!

You know, TECHNICALLY, if you have time in Skyrim to do something, you have time to do it in real life, too. It's, like, the same time!

I was so glad to see the Lusty Argonian Maid make a return.

This doesn't just happen when the Crusades are mentioned. Certain subsets of Protestantism consider Catholicism a de facto separate religion.

I'm not sure why you're telling me this. I'm certainly not going to stop being interested in history and having critical thought by invoking "crazy people." When did I reflect anything on an entire group, anyway? What are you even talking about?

It became impactful, certainly. But it wasn't, initially, on a widespread scale. Nero's early persecution of Christians can only be understood against the background of Nero's persecution and warring with the Jews. Nero wasn't contextualized as Christian-persecutor until the 2nd and 3rd centuries.

I think we agree, then. It might be more accurate to refer to them as "proto-Christians" or some-such. You're right in that they can't really be understood unless against the background of them being a sub-sect of millennial Judaism.

Mostly true, but some forms of the organized religion did exist prior to Constantine. The gnostics had considered Christ a leader by the 1st or 2nd century. Even earlier, around year 50, was the Council of Jerusalem, around the same time Paul was writing and preaching.

It could be argued that the Christian church didn't start in earnest until the First Council of Nicaea under Constantine, in 325 AD. It was the first time that an attempt was made to find some kind of consensus of christendom. Some core beliefs of the faith can be traced to Nicaea, notably the relationship of Jesus to

EVE Online was released in May of 2003.

You might be surprised to learn that your experiences don't translate to everywhere on earth.

Glasses are so passe. Owl mask all the way.

I was bitchy about Bioware way before it was cool.


They were also protesting PD violence in Berkeley. And while they weren't explicitly occupy protesters, they were using the tools and methods refined by OWS over the past months.

This. So much this.

That you can see no action between "do nothing" and "assault" shows a failure of imagination on your part.

I think the totally empty bookshelf is what gets me about this.

It sort of is. I mean, the idea is that children don't have the moral and ethical responsibility of adults. They don't know any better. It's why we don't lock up children in jail.