
Minecraft was in the title also.

"If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe." - Carl Sagan

Yea, sounds about right.

Bjork + Dirty Projectors? Woah!/listen

I've read and enjoyed Bogost, so maybe it's worth looking into.

I'm pretty sure you'll get your $60 worth.

I agree that the narrative about war could be a bit less silly.

I know, I was being silly. :D

Whatever, "I_am_error.", if that's even your real name!!!

You haven't played a PS1 game in a while, have you?

Bad troll.

6,000 x 30 = $180,000

I don't mean to say that Half Life can't be an enjoyable or well-made game, even now! Far from it. But many of the things you describe are similarities that Half Life shared with older shooters. Going through that list, almost everything is as true of Doom as it is of Half Life. And it really is technically dated.

This is heartening, thanks. :) I really am charmed by the game, so I want to end up with a positive impression of the series, by the end.

My question then is: should I just skip straight to the second game, or will it be better for me, story-wise, to just push through to the end of the first? (I'm already at chapter 9 or 10.)

Did Dragon Age 2 make unwholesome comments about your mom? Yeah, I guess I'd be pretty pissed, too.

Even more Dark Souls.

HL1 has some obviously inspired design, but it does feel a bit antique to a lot of players now. Much of that's simply the technical limitations of the aged engine. Some of it's that HL1 "feels" less groundbreaking, now that so many other games have drawn lessons and inspiration from it.

Half Life, if it were released now, would not get great reviews. No game is released into a vacuum. Half Life is revered in many ways for what it was: it was thrilling and groundbreaking and wonderful, but its lessons and ideas were so thoroughly internalized into so many games that, yeah, now it feels like an

I've just recently started the first Uncharted game, and finding it to be a bit...tedious.