
Which is, so everyone knows, a totally real position.

Pandas are of the family Ursidae, though they do not belong to the genus Ursus, which includes most of the well-known bears, such as the black bear, brown bear, and the polar bear. So while pandas are cladally separate from the "true bears", they are indeed still bears. As an aside, the red panda is a member of the

To clarify my position, I also agree that both should be allowed. We agree on the issues, and for the most part, I gladly defer to your expertise.

So malign is an adjective; I'm looking at the OED entry as we speak. Very interesting. I had never heard it, and I would perhaps still argue its worth in terms of style and clarity, but you are correct.

Broadcasting something changes its nature entirely. It is not 'just' sex for money. Try going up to a porn set and paying somebody for sex. It will not happen. There's a difference between me paying a woman for sex, and me establishing acting contracts with other people whose acting will be filmed and sold as

Sex in the process of creating a movie or photograph is protected as expression under the First Amendment. Sex for money has no such protection, as it doesn't fall under expression.

So it's acceptable to use all linguistic change, as long as it's happened in the past?

Surely you mean "malignant"?

In Forza, turn all the assists completely off.

I hate those guys.

Much of the cost comes from court procedures, though. The only way to save money by just "sticking a knife in them" is by not going through the lengthy and expensive court process. The easiest way to save money would be to discard that process, but you won't find many willing to do so. From a purely financial

I'm not sure what deaths in Africa have to do with this. And Foxconn is in China, which isn't even the same country being discussed here. And death penalty cases are so expensive because any system by which we kill people without taking every measure possible to ensure their guilt is ethically reprehensible.

You seem a sensitive sort, so I'm going to link to this thoughtful, considered piece on Dark Souls over at Brainy Gamer, as counterpoint: [www.brainygamer.com]

While I don't share his position, I think you're misrepresenting it rather extremely.

It's totally true, and I agree with the sentiment to a point. I'm just amused by the existence of HP fanfic. :D

I've been trying to figure that out too! Dang!

I'm not sure the crossover appeal is SO obvious. As a rule, Batman in other media is very often extremely dark; certainly, no Batman comics have been written in a long while (that I can remember) that come off as "Batmans for kids." Certainly the last few films haven't been terribly appropriate for children.

I don't make a habit of it, and in general it's a terrible word, but I did get away with calling a friend a "cuntbag sorceress" just the other day.

I like when HP fanfic is used as an example in serious discussions of media.