
As a spider, it seems to me that she was actually what was keeping the fly population in check...

I totally agree with all of this.

And the poison. And the infinite blood-spewing flies. And the bone-grinding giants. And your own weakness.

And calling me fat. D:

Socialism != dictatorship

Your link wasn't exactly the bastion of even-mindedness and reason that I was hoping for.

Dark Souls.

Fair enough! If I get a few moments, I'll post my impressions. :)

So. Why was it terrible?

What? That sounds the opposite of awful!

It is so, so easy for me to hate books and RPGs, despite my profound love for both.

Gothic 3.

Fable 2 was especially great, for me. How often, in a videogame, have I wasted an hour in a furniture store giggling to myself?

I DO feel rather titillated, that's true.


I'm not sure that an opinion of one game should preclude one from an opinion of another.

Seriously though. Seriously. Skylines already infest this game, to the point that it's a joke between many players. MORE SKYLINES honestly feels like a troll attempt.

The Bioshock games also.

Honestly? LARP can be a lot of fun. It's like camping, but you can wail on your friends with foam weapons, and sometimes you can dress up as monsters and scare the shit out of people when they're trying to sleep. At its best, it's D&D in the woods with a lot more violence.