
bet a whole bunch of them are in their 40s.

Can the staff there just write normal headlines- instead of portraying themselves an unintelligent?

I still have no idea what you actually DO in that game ...

LOL ME?! My whole post is about why public servers are awful.  You, my friend should re-read my comment.

Yeah, and if you look at the trailer on the developer’s official youtube, they never mention Pokemon or Guns. You see guns a few times in the trailer, but the description of the game under the video tots it as a survival crafting game, not a shooter.
Meanwhile, if you watch another trailer on IGN, right in the title

Yesh Kotaku hyped this fuckin thing only to reveal they hadn't even played it til now.

“Why did people call it ‘Pokemon with guns’? said the site that repeatedly calls it “Pokemon with guns”

 It's still cringe.

Maybe new Kotaku staff did not know, but old Kotaku staff were aware:

the pitch was a sandboxy space sim with trading and dogfighting, playable as single player, multiplayer, or persistent universe (mmo). then it somehow got split into two different games with the other game being squadron 42, a single player story-based campaign to act as a tutorial for star citizen. but the reality is


> you can never really tell if someone is actually a total dick, or just behaving like a dick to get attention and ad revenue

You certainly managed to draw a lot of conclusions about games that are 100+ hours long without actually playing them, based entirely on very small amounts of information. Clearly, we have found our new authority on the subject.

As an outsider (I haven’t played minecraft since I had a Windows Phone), Minecraft doesn’t seem like the type of game you 2.0, but one that you continually improve. Why bifurcate the base? The spin-offs have been well received. I don’t see the problem there.

I maintain that the grammar would be far superior on an AI generated article, and it would have fewer typos and redundancies. I have huge problems with "AI" (ChatGPT can so easily be proven wrong, and despite it's insistence you can teach it things it never retains anything you teach it) but making well formed

Humor is supposed to be funny, though.

Sometimes it’s fun to joke about the silly things gamers talk about. I don’t think any of this was meant to be taken too seriously (truth behind every joke and all that).

What a bizarre article that communicates zero meaningful info for any sort of conversation. Brand tribalism is the absolute worst, and those slides stuck out a lot more than the sarcastic ones. Why dont you analyze the actual number of exclusives? the number is closer than you think. Why not analize best battery

I mean, that's some pretty good flavor all things considered.

This story is actually important for a lot of reasons that are still relevant (disclaimer: I work with these people and on these stories.) Here’s the original report: