Did I say billiards were an act of randomness, ever?
That was your comparison, not mine.
Did I say billiards were an act of randomness, ever?
That was your comparison, not mine.
“Once again, the inability to predict the outcome of a complex system”
Please explain to me how existing in a constant state of probability is not random?
What patterns can be observed AND predicted in quantum physics?
How is the evolutionary synthesis of genetic mutations not random?
Algorithmic information theory?
How about signal noise?
I recommend:
I love it when a post like this comes along and totally shuts down the troll.
Ummm, I explicitly remember Maeve actually NOT being in control of her narrative, everything from her escape was choreographed/implanted into her mind from the get go by Ford.
What good things can yo do in GTA that isn’t basically standing still?
I think the question is still very valid. Lapses in payments can be attributed to more than just the ability to afford it.
yes, just put them in the custom music folder.
if you bought a competitive shooter and are only interested in the PVE modes, you made the wrong choice...
prob a lot more fun than someone engaging with their phone.
this seems like a very complicated way to make $10
“I’m frequently told that it looks fantastic”
Hate to break it to ya kid....
Nah dog, there’s a reason most your posts stay in the greys, I should have known better.
Yeah, that’s what you said. I am stating AND indicates both, like my original statement. I didn’t imply any order, just that both of those things happened. You are being a pedantic asshole, I responded in kind.
If you gonna spell, do it right.
It totally makes sense, I don’t really disagree with anything you said, just see things a bit differently perhaps. I’d much rather see rehabilitation and people learning then being pushed further into the fringes.
AND indicates both, doesn’t indicate order, AND go fuck yourself.
he does that and goes “I’m Korean”