
Restaurants should have been taking the time to reinvent themselves too. The ones that transitioned to takeout immediately did better than the ones that waited around for things to go back to “normal” and continued to focus on in-person dining. Nothing says that normal is ever coming back in the same way.

DMCA is not reasonable.  It has more unintended consequences than positive outcomes.

What assumption are you referring to? It was not unclear to me. It really sounds like you made the assumption.

It was an adjective, not a noun. The four words were describing forms of “color-blindness.” It was egalitarian colorblindness and the word egalitarian wasn’t standing on its own.

Hair doesn’t really eat.

I had a wisdom tooth grow in with a cavity - literally developed below the gumline before the tooth even erupted. But it never hurt and life was busy. More than 10 years later, I was eating popcorn in a theater, bit a kernel, and suddenly realized I was chewing up wisdom tooth. The thing had apparently broken off but

Milk chocolate is the worst chocolate. And Hershey’s is the worst milk chocolate. I don’t need any explanation for that - it’s simply the truth.

I never understood how people don’t want variety and enjoy lots of regional favorites. But I don’t live in an Ale 8 or Cheerwine area - I'll drink either one when I get the chance. I do at least have Ski.

They did this to coincide with Dr. Pepper Zero bring released and Dr. Pepper is definitely a reformulation. It sounds pointless to ride on the coattails of the big brand and not even bother to put in the effort to make something better.

This is your argument.  Started by you for literally no reason.  Don’t come in days later and complain that it was a waste of time.  I already know.

If the toilet is overflowing, it’s because there’s still water entering the toilet. Turn off the water. Putting your arm or a tool in is going to displace even more water.

She is my senator and I voted for her - but the joke was so spot on it never dawned on me that the quip referred to her own legs.

When is this last resort that can’t wait until you have the proper tools?

You definitely missed the entire point.

Username checks out.  But otherwise, I don’t see the connection you’re trying to make.

I didn’t do as well as I could have in high school. I probably did worse in college. I don’t regret any of it in hindsight.

If a school can’t buy a $2 plunger... If a teacher would make a student do this without buying a plunger with their own money...  No.  There’s really no last resort like this.

unless it’s a last resort,

I wouldn’t expect anyone to resign on the basis of allegations alone. But only they and the victims know if the allegations are true.

Wow, I practically saw this as it was written despite the time zone gap.

Wow, I practically saw this as it was written despite the time zone gap.