
How long before OceanGate begins offering submarine rides down to the debri field? 

You say “at your age” but clearly you are not of that age. When you get to that age, you get a label maker. Then you start labeling everything from spice jars to power adapters, from storage containers to power tools. And you keep everything like screws and rubber bands in old spice jars. And you label those spice

Maybe the flavor is sugar free gummy bear?

Being booed by a group of people who still think Dave Chappelle is worth their money is quite an accomplishment.

Never been to D&Bs, but I always thought it was pitched as “Chuck E. Cheese for grownups.”

GOOGLE - DO NOT LET THE CONTROLLERS BECOME E-WASTE! They have Bluetooth receivers in them currently used during the set-up process only. Google can remove that software limitation with one last firmware update before next year. PLEASE DO THIS GOOGLE. WALK THE ENVIRONMENTALLY SUSTAINABLE TALK!

In its early years, the 1980s into the 90s, it was cutting edge and hilarious satire. Workers put up Dilbert strips in their cubicles as commentary on their own bosses, who even if they understood this, didn’t want to put themselves in the ridiculous position of banning comic strips. Initially it was Adams writing

Luckily for her, she’ll be able to get a minimum wage job, maybe. Then she’ll have just enough money to scrape by on a welfare pittance, and she can spend the next 20 years being vilified by Florida for having kids. The only way to be a true Republican is to force someone into a bad situation, then complain about

The police can already get away with murder.

Take the extra 2 minutes to walk inside, and pay at the register for gas, if you’re using a debit card. Then you get charge for exactly only what you want/need.

It’s my general impression that both Depp and Heard are emotionally and physically abusive people who are broken inside. They’re probably terrible in relationships and downright explosive when combined.

The only thing worse than flat Coke is flat Pepsi.

Yeah, because they will be unable to get any money earned from the tickets out of Russia.

You could have played it on your phone’s browser you giant ass.

This is increasingly true.

This will always remind me about ‘Boots’ Theory of Socioeconomic Unfairness. Where the rich person can afford a good pair of boots ($50) that will last for many years whereas the person can only afford to buy an okay pair of boots that still gets wet ($10) and last maybe a season or two.

Now playing

This is just Dell being lazy not bothering to get certain computers approved and only selling ones they’ve already done so with. And the restrictions aren’t on active power usage so much as they’re on lower states of power like sleep mode.

Victorstk simply inserted a thin piece of paper—about a millimeter thick—inside the Joy-Con

Building on that: unexpected inflation is usually bad for people who’ve loaned money at fixed rates, including folks with a lot of bonds in their portfolios. (If I buy a bond at 4%, expecting inflation to be around the target at 2%, an unexpected 4% inflation rate for a year means I’ve not gotten the increase in

Calling from 2021:  They did it again!