
“Run through a mutha fucka face, then you don’t have to worry about them no more.”

So, how long until someone makes the 100 hour youtube video that’s just him saying “over and over and over and over and over and over and over...”

Wait, could be “I don’t have a facebook account” be the new “I don’t own a TV”

Is it anything other than “you push the shifter all the way to the top”? Some other confusing set up? Because the only way you mess that up is if you are in a hurry/not paying attention.

I’ve always worn frayed/ripped jeans.

I have tried it. I was referring to if there was some sort of massive overhaul since I’ve tried it because it wasn’t anywhere close to what the Office suite is capable of. Personally I care about usability more than if some cloud service can see my resume.

Anyone who would prank you while you're doing something as dangerous as working on an automobile is not your friend.

Now I want to see the “how it’s made” video of two nerdy PhD students walking around campus whacking random shit with a drumstick.

OK, time out. Uncanny valley as wikipedia expounds “is a hypothesis in the field of aesthetics which holds that when features look and move almost, but not exactly, like natural beings, it causes a response of revulsion among some observers.”

If only there were some sort of technology that could prevent unauthorized access to a cabinet...

“Once at my in-laws, we heard my then 4 year old say “this is bullshit” and his then 2 year old brother reply “it IS bullshit”.

I just took my 3 month old puppy to obedience class and she pooped on the classroom floor and tried to hump a King Charles Spaniel. Youngsters are awful no matter the species...

I would much rather watch a tv show about 19 puppies than any show with anyone named Duggar.

Good breeders will take back any of the dogs they’ve bred if someone no longer wants them. I think good breeders are just less common than bad ones with more popular breeds

I echo your sentiments, however there will always be breeders and I’m guessing Bailey’s humans are not of the “backyard” variety if this bitch got a C-section at Auburn. Everyone should adopt, but there are such things as responsible breeders. It’s not all black and white. I have met some wonderfully responsible

Your kids are miserable cunts.

Yeah, if a friend gets butt hurt over something like that, I’m not going to feel bad about not trying to reschedule.

Was this close to making a truly horrible comment, but I’ll just tone it down to this: babies, kids, children, teens, et al are awful and have no place in a decent society.

Who calls a sitter to watch their sick kid? I mean, I guess if it is a make or break event that you might miss but just a meal with a friend?