Aww, that ain’t cute! You can’t control how much you pay for your children but actually think you can control comments?!
Aww, that ain’t cute! You can’t control how much you pay for your children but actually think you can control comments?!
I’ll go ahead and post my comment again here, since you can’t close comments on my post like you think you can:
That makes sense, that you’d want to shut down conversation after people pointed out that you have no facts to back up your assertion. Bless your heart.
Don’t bother responding to him- this is another iteration of Tomatoface.
It is stupid, who you vote for doesn’t matter, and your comment was extremely misogynistic.
Perhaps they can form a steak eating club with Brock Turner!
Did she even try to give him first aid? Did she just stand there and watch him die? You say “i’m so sorry” while you are trying to stop the bleeding. She needs to go to jail but I would like to know what she was doing during that call. For me, her actions would be the deciding factor between life in prison or 20 years…
“So let me get this straight: If I become a priest, I have to be celibate and can’t get married, but I get unsupervised access to children of any age I like?”
She’s not going to be convicted of murder.
Not sure that these people are inclined to be swayed by “statistics” and “reality”.
“I think any worker organization is a good and healthy thing, so I support it whether or not I’m participating in.”
Yeah, please just larva’m alone.
Yeah, you look kind of like Rick Moranis. No, it’s not bad.
Thoughts & Prayers
only if you are a disgusting human being that never washes properly...
My husband has had a full, luscious beard for over twenty years. It was one of the things about him that first caught my attention. aka “Wow, look at that hunky guy and that fucking incredible beard!” It’s gone through various phases, sometimes on the shorter side, sometimes long, but always remarkably full. Strangers…
You mean it keeps away both people and mosquitoes?
Sounds like a win-win!
Your homework: find and read "Spinoff" by Robert A. Heinlein.