
I live here as well and my mom would bitch about the red clay staining me and my sisters play clothes. I had a shit that I wore helping someone build a deck and there was the faintest reddish orange from the clay. It would never ever come out completely.

I like to think that I ungreyed myself with the delightful commentary I provide.

When I had my Big Dog, he had a very large, super comfy dog bed and sometimes I’d join him on it.

I think we need to stop putting all Kanye’s problems on the doorstep of the Kardashian-Jenners. I have no particular affection for them, but it seems like the choice to fuck up his meds, go off his meds, not seek treatment when he’s in a manic spiral is all on Kanye. He thinks that shit is a super power and he’s

Oregon was essentially founded by white supremacists. Shit, when they entered the Union as a “free” state their founders made it illegal for black people to even live there. If black folk didn’t leave they would be publicly whipped for the crime of.... living in Oregon while black. This bullshit was technically on the

a chicken sandwich without mayo? That’s YOU being the bad human.

As a Salem OR resident I can confirm this is factual.

wasn’t oregon founded as a all-white state?

I was gonna object(!) because I’m out here in Tacoma, but then I remembered Lacey, Bonney Lake, Parkland, Eatonville, Bremerton, etc. *heavy sigh*

Black folks are rarely afforded the privilege of self defense.

I love this so much. Someone I know basically ended up getting a nanny because their dog wasn’t as helpful with (or fond of) the new first baby as they had hoped (yeah there’s really only very slightly more to it than that).

Who is going to do the work to close the south border? With ~800K government workers not getting paid, who bbn is going to do the actual work? Oops, I guess Orange Marmalade didn't think something through, again.

Hell, I’d convert to any religion that espoused fried donuts.

Latkes! Even just hearing the word makes me want to cry tears of joy! If only there was a place that I could order some (ok, who am I kidding, LOTS!) and have them delivered to my apartment with some real thick sour cream and fresh apple sauce......

Fellow pescatarian here...I’m just about to sit down to a dinner of beige things that are all cooked in chicken stock for some reason. They make me salmon (which is very nice) but there are no greens. Usually we stay at a hotel and I get a huge kale salad but this year we are staying with the in-laws so I’ll be

Not Jewish, but we had Chinese food delivered for dinner. Ate lunch at my parents retirement village where I (a pescatarian) was able to eat half a sweet potato, peas and onions and a roll. At 4:00 pm I ordered Chinese. My husband wagged his eyebrows. I told him to shut the fuck up — I’M HUNGRY! This time of year I

My friend had his first latkes the other day and was filled with happiness. 

My mother’s name was Ruth....she too was a badass who didn’t take any mess...I spent most of the day attempting to channel her badaassery. It’ a damn good name.

Oh please. Ivanka’s lungs were probably made in China out of a polyester/rayon itchy blend that will tear and/or shrink the first time anyone uses them. Bonus: even though they’d original cost $900, you could find them in the discount bin at TJ Maxx for $5.99.

I don’t love winter at all, but I look so much better in fall/winter clothes than spring/summer. Earth tones are my color, I love boots and sweaters, and I don’t have to deal with shiny sweat face. Now if I only actually liked the cold.....