
Where do I apply for my ability to turn men to stone with direct eye-contact to go with my head full of snakes?

Trying to understand is one thing. Empathizing is another. We can understand what creates a Hitler without empathy.

We absolutely should not empathize with every person and every action.

Yeah, it was also funny when Shelby Lynne said it a decade ago.

That...makes so little sense even compared to his earlier utterances that I think the strokes are underway.

Is that Stormy Daniels next to him? “stroke” his ego?....

I never say this about anyone, but I love everything about your comment. Particularly the final clause and poopy diapers. Never trust a person who hasn’t had to change a kid. Seriously.

Has no idea how anything works.

“Hello Boys! I’ve missed you ...”

Never trust a man who’s sired multiple children and never changed a poopy diaper.

Appeasers to the left of me. Quislings to the right. And here we are...

I really thought nothing could bring me down from the high of finding out today that I am still cancer free (latest biopsy = sclerosing adenosis and stromal fibrosis with atypical lobular hyperplasia but no malignancies) and then that steaming orange turd and his minions just went right ahead and did and said heinous

“Sarah Huckabee Sanders told reporters at a briefing Monday afternoon that if Democrats don’t cooperate with Donald Trump, the administration might just go ahead and start deporting DREAMers, just like that.”

I snickered at that, like if pro-lifers are soooooooooo compassionate, why is there so much security at Planned Parenthoods? Why are there people literally screaming and insulting women as they walk in? Who are these people who are murdering (or attempting to murder) or kidnapping or assaulting abortion providers and

Don’t call They’re anti-choicers, or forced birthers

Yeah nothing screams compassion like misleading crises pregnancy centers, using gory fetal pictures, misrepresentations about legal rights and straight up lies to try and convince teenagers to carry to term with children that will help ensure the perpetuation of intergenerational poverty while supporting a party that

Marzipan looks how I feel about all of the Barf Bags and Tweets in chief from this week.

Pro-lifers are some of the least compassionate people there are.

Today’s Code 45* heads back into that seemingly age-old question: how do we stop this fucking madness? How do we all get off this broken, nuclear-powered Tilt-A-Whirl? It’s in the Tweets, folks, and the team is here to explain.