
Seriously, though.

This took me many steps of reverse-engineering to understand as well.

I agree with everything you said! (MUCH love for the Golden Girls!)

I still love it. That doesn’t mean I don’t recognize the many problems it has when I see them, but I still love to watch it. I’ve seen it so many times (and I love me some Miranda and Steve) that it’s the perfect thing to throw on in the background while I’m doing stuff without being distracting (Buffy also works well

Ah ok. I was trying to think of what would dissolve instantly like that! Thanks. :)

Wait what was that they gave him?

For me it’s the other way around. The children who live in my building make such ungodly noises in the halls that my brain honestly is very alarmed for a moment that some poor animal is dying horribly before realizing no, that’s a child.

That is a horrifying story. Baboons are no joke. I’m not sure what they expected.... but still horrifying.

It’s rated PG-13. Don’t bring your 7 year old. That’s rude. And if you do bring them, teach them how to respect the personal space of others. You (here being parent of child) are responsible for doing that, cause you made that kid.

I think it’s obvious to all that the dipshit with the gun was the far greater asshole.

YES. Motion to make the phrase “the useful vote” a thing in the U.S.?

Totally. Did you happen to read Lindy West’s book Shrill? She talks a bit about the problems with Michelle’s campaign against childhood obesity. I adore Michelle, but Lindy had a damn good point.

OBVIOUSLY her point was that, if this just a tactic to avoid a (arguably baseless) appeal, then it means they don’t actually expect to milk the families of victims for the cash, which puts a different spin on things.

(I.e. it’s not like this is a Kirtsaeng-esque situation where the loser was the wealthy party (and a

EDIT: Oops - preempted!

Drax the Destroyer: What if someone does something that irks me and I decide to remove his spine?

I have no problems with adult coloring books. I did the Lisa Frank thing as a kid in the 90s and was totally into it because who wasn’t? But my reaction to this is nevertheless....

Scalia and Alito. Two of a kind. The (conservative) ends justify the means. Never mind the dubious legal underpinnings (and rampant inconsistencies) of our positions. We’re, like, totes objective.

Japan’s laws/regulations (or lack thereof) are kinda horrible about pretty much anything involving animals....

...Alito, who places his very conservative political views ahead of settled law all the damn time while going “who, me? Just being rational and objective over here” and then whines like a little baby when the liberals do something he doesn’t like.

omg omg omg best gif