
“If it’s a male, it’s a male”????

This is just another way that shitty bigots try to steal our identities away from us. You hear it when a trans kid dies and their family buries their name with them. You hear it when someone is murdered and the police and media use the wrong names and pronouns. Being trans is constantly having to deal with people who

You hit on it and the real issue at hand, it was ultimately Huston’s decision as the author of the film itself, and he has already ruled, it doesn’t get shown.

Now playing

Curtice Taylor is a bit off his facts; it was not the first nude scene of a major American studio picture since sound pictures - just since the Hayes Code became enforced 26 years earlier. There were quite a few in the pre- code era (films released before the end of June 1934), probably most famous of them by Maureen

“ illustrative anecdote allegedly told by Orson Welles about a man tearing Monroe’s top at a soiree and revealing her breasts to partygoers.”

I’d say keep it buried. There is no real artistic reason to release the footage the film was complete without it as the Director intended. So unless there is an artistic or historical reason for the footage to be released I say just keep it where its been for the past half century.  All else is just voyeurism of a

I’m just glad that Hugh Hefner is dead so he can’t make an offer for it then tell anybody and everybody how much he wants to see that footage. <shudder>

bingo. this is a textbook example of “it’s technically cheaper for me in the short run to NOT fund this, so screw everyone else.”

In a kind-of-related-story item, the small burg I grew up near and lived in later in life in central California *cough* Fresno *cough* had a city council back in the early ‘90's that decided a good way to “save taxpayer’s money” would be to shutter some of the library branches (I forget the specifics but it did no one

I’m gonna go there. Typical rich person “I got mine, you can’t have any because its all mine!” two year old’s temper tantrum attitude. If one wishes to live in a civil society, one must contribute more than ones mere presence to it. Investing tax monies into Libraries plants the seeds of knowledge, growth and

This is such a monstrously bad take, that it’s hard to keep track of ALL the ways it’s a bad take.

1. Because they... love each other? Why do you kiss people, man?

Sexualizing children is SO real and disturbing. I’ve heard it all from “they’ll be a heartbreaker” to “I want to say hi to my girlfriend”. And it’s very hard to shut people down in the moment because it’s so engrained as innocent/okay but it has to be done. That language is not cute or appropriate and I don’t care

Or maybe don’t be an ass about kids doing something natural. Potato potahto.


“Move forward and learn from it” the highest form of white privilege. For everybody else “dwell on their mistakes and never forgive them for stepping out of the line white people defined.”

I will be bitter FOREVER for what this did to Janet. I see kids coming up today who really don’t understand her impact because it didn’t just stall her career, it denied her her legacy. And for this white boy with a wannabe fro, who spent the first half of his career successfully apeing MJ and JJ’s moves and sounds to

“Move forward and learn from it” is bullshit talk for throwing Janet under the bus, never apologizing for his shifty ways, and make mediocre suburban music while taking from black music shamelessly.

You’re not black are you? Black kids know about the whole race thing from like 4 onwards. Cause you know...white supremacy and black children being treated differently. Black parents do the difficult job of talking about race while keeping it age appropriate. Cause we have no choice.