
...seriously? A sign in Florida that says “No Swimming” does not mean “grab your toddler and go for it.” :-/ Florida has a lot of potentially dangerous indigenous wildlife. If you’re a tourist, heed the signs.

In our building, the bedrooms in each unit share a wall with the living room of the unit over (BRILLIANT DESIGN). We have an air purifier (for my allergies), a fan, and rain/wind sound effects going in our bedroom at night, but we can still hear our neighbors sometimes. One night my neighbor was playing music so loud

That’s gotta be a noise code violation, yes? That sounds awful. :(

I’m not “policing” you and I’m not “taking things personally.” I’m responding to the posts you made, because I disagree with them. That’s sorta how this works. Sheesh, dude.

Ok whatevs. You weren’t “debating”; you were being rude. No more than others, perhaps, but if you’re gonna dish it out, then at least have the class to take it without asking me why I’m “taking this personally.” I’m not - I’m just not giving you a free pass the second you whip out the (dubious) law-talk.

Well then quit trying to bully other commentors with your pseudo-legalese. Clearly reasonable minds can disagree on this.

Assuming you are a lawyer, you’re the type that gives others a bad reputation with comments like these. If this gets litigated, the court will decide what a reasonable person of ordinary prudence would do under the circumstances - not you. And they will have a lot more information about this case than you do.

And that doesn’t really change the point I was making or make it less responsive to the point you were making. (Would you sue a resort if you got bitten by a poisonous spider on the premises? That could happen pretty much anywhere, but I’ve never seen a sign about it. What about scorpions and snakes in some parts of

This shocks me, too.

But if I was a tourist anywhere - meaning I’m in a place I’m not familiar with - and I saw a “no swimming” sign on a body of water, I would assume that sign was there for a damn good reason and keep out. I wouldn’t slap a bathing suit on my toddler and go for it.

Just FYI, the comment of yours that I was responding to didn’t say anything about signs. It said: “I think it’s totally reasonable to believe the most famous amusement park/resort in America would not have latent dangers [alligators] lurking in an area that children can freely access.” And my point was that that’s not

Nope! Neither Disney nor any other man-made power can keep native wildlife out of the water.

Yes! There was a HUGE water moccasin once in the tiny man-made lake in the backyard of a friends’ house in North Carolina. The house in question was in the freakin’ country club, right next to the golf course. Just because this was a fancy Disney resort doesn’t mean they can keep native wildlife out of the water!

the family had no reason to suspect they were in danger

Bingo! Alligators are generally non-aggressive scavengers and don’t like a commotion. They only hang out near people if people have desensitized them.

Even if it is man-made and disconnected from any other water, alligators travel by land. They do whatevs. Florida is a giant swamp. There’re alligators er-ver-y-where.

Whatever - you’re 100% right.

...but the sign still means “stay out of the water,” yes?

To be fair, crocodiles are a lot more aggressive than alligators, which are scavengers that generally run from commotion (unless desensitized to humans by humans!).

Cosigned, Former Florida Resident.

Alligators are potentially present in ANY body of water in Florida. You can’t label all of them. Alligators go where they go. It’s Florida.