
[edited blank because kinja]

Because we are land animals. In the water, even the best of swimmers must seem ridiculous and feeble to any animal that can move effectively in water. (Can you tell I’m a bit phobic?....)

for serious tho

Seriously someone needs to get this viral on Facebook, stat.

Can I get at least an honorable mention for Needed Me?

Cause I cannot. stop. playing. Needed Me.


Thank you for posting this! I had missed it entirely somehow.

Actually.... I could totally see that.

Oh please oh please oh please let this be awesome.

Okee doke!

Oh hai! Are you maybe one of the guys who told SYMIHC that it talks about women too much? I mean, whenever we talk about women, it’s because women, not because those women also happen to be humans that do things, right?

Ah - that makes total sense, now that you say it. :)

Totally unrelated survival tip: Doritos are hella flammable. Like, they supposedly make great kindling. (This kinda frightens me?)

You know, I think I kinda get what you’re trying to say, but in some of your posts you’re saying it in such a dickish way that it makes me uncomfortable.... Like, I’m a brown first gen’er, and some of your posts on this thread have a tone of Western superiority that just skeeves the shit out of me. (Sacred cows what

Just stopped by to YES the American Girl moment. Happy sigh.

As others have mentioned in other threads, she didn’t want it - she didn’t want the grind of having to produce daily content. (As much as I would love to see her every day, I can’t say I blame her!)

I don’t know what this is from, but this GIF is everything - just look at that slo-mo happy!!!

(Edit: Zootopia?)

Yeeeeees. It is my go-to for happy feels.

OMG I cried. Like, a lot.