BTW, The Root offered a bit more context as it relates to the motives I was kind of surprised not posted, here.
BTW, The Root offered a bit more context as it relates to the motives I was kind of surprised not posted, here.
Gita, thank you for this--and particularly for taking the time to collect opinions from the broader fanbase.
I personally find what Jontron had to say during the “debate” (if such it can be called with a straight face) absolutely repugnant, on both a (personal) moral level, and as someone who is reasonably well-versed…
Girl Guides/Scouts, always a few steps ahead of the boy equivalency.
For much of last year I said that the fact that David Bowie is dead while Ted Nugent is still alive is proof enough that there is no god.
Like the majority of people I’m sure, I hate cancer. However, having personally known two women who have died from Ovarian Cancer, may I give this type an especially hearty ‘Fuck You’? (Along with Multiple Myeloma...not enough ‘fuck you’ for that one.)
This racist asshole literally just let his facial hair grow wild and did nothing else, and OP is....impressed? Ok? Such a weird comment.
I think we can all agree that the beard and mustache are remarkable
K so none of my male friends have children yet but we rented a cottage last summer that had a wood stove. I was being Cottage Mom and unpacking groceries while 6 grown men tried and failed to split this one piece of timber for like 10 straight mins. (They chose one with a knot in it...inexperience showing.) At this…
Jezebel has become very meaningful to me, so all my love and support to the writers striking. This is the only place I can stomach reading politics now, and the commenters here are gold. Life would be shit without the women writers of Jezebel. ❤🌸
Oh, it makes me so sad that Alan Rickman and Emma Thompson won’t get an ending. I mean, they were the one couple I genuinely ended up rooting for - Emma Thompson was so masterful in the crying scene, a stand out in an otherwise lackluster movie. In my head, they work through their problems maturely and come through…
Has anybody checked to see whether it’s just sitting there on Capitol Hill?
Yay, for the racist liar! He finally proved that he can, in fact, read!
Holy crap, Charo? Haven’t heard a lot from her in a long time. She can play a mean Spanish guitar. I wonder if she still has her Flamenco skills. That’s a tough style of dance to keep up when you’re older.
Now imagine the leader of the free world, standing in front of your country, talking about you like that.
“I want y’all to know that that is not me,” Norton, referring to her previous behavior with the Respect the Flag group, tearfully told the courtroom. “That is not me. That is not [Torres].”
Let’s get real about this flag. It wasn’t continuously flown from 1861 until today. It was an obscure flag not flown very much at all from the end of the Civil War until after WWII, when it became popular with Dixiecrats. It gained prominence in the south during the fifties , and it didn’t fly over any government…
Carlos Santana has spent the last 20+ years making tasteful, expensively produced, profoundly boring music for people who don’t really like music but enjoy shopping and wine. In Adele, he recognizes a kindred spirit.