So a dude with more money than most people see in their lives chose to take advantage of economically-disadvantaged individuals for the sake of some anti-Semitic “humor,” and is now surprised that there are consequences that go with that kind of behavior.
Got it.
Having read some of the comments on the previous article…
Non-disabled people are fucking ridiculous. They expect disabled people to be helpless shut-ins who are incapable of independence or variation amongst each other.
Every ATV owner I’ve ever met says how terribly safe they are yet also has a ‘totally fluke not normal CRAZY freak accident’ story about someone they know (or themselves) being horribly and permanently injured while riding an ATV. They are barely safe for adults yet people pop kids on them as young as 5 years old.…
It’s super easy to read tone into text. I had to teach my dad that capslock was read as the equivalent of yelling (which, in my family, is 73% likely to be the case anyway). His response email?
A vagina hug.
Do any of these people realize that water flows downward (i.e., southward, in this area of the country)? As more of these pipelines are constructed in “flyover country”, do they not understand that this “flyover country” consists of the farmland that yields a lot of the corn, wheat, beef, and pork that Americans…
“It won’t be that bad” translation: I’m straight, white man & none of this will actually affect me.
Vince Vaughn is white mediocrity personified. Of course he hates affirmative action. The last thing he wants is someone talented and capable threatening him.
It’s not just about being “outspoken” and “confident”: she’s kind of an asshole. She’s said awful things about other competitors and eschews basic gestures of respect like touching gloves. I think the way she’s handled her losses compared to other “cocky” fighters like Conor McGreggor speaks volumes about her tbh.
I am a Certified Youngn and even I had to re-read that headline a few times before it made sense. Which I assume was the point.
Last I checked, taxis are cars, and this is a car site. So, relevant.
The disturbing, unwritten part of this story, is that ICE agents seem to be doing their job with excessive gusto, intimidation, and cruelty, rather than any sense of caution. This compliance by the rank and file is how tyrants steamroll a society into submission.