Worth noting: the (ex-)wife is a lawyer.
Worth noting: the (ex-)wife is a lawyer.
Considering the ram shackle places that usually fly that flag they should just get an old double-wide trailer for their new wing and save 3.85 million.
But Mary Jane, that’s its one true destiny! The most honorable moment in that flag’s history was when Sherman wiped his ass with it.
Well, poor people need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps. Nothing was given to my family and they were still able to make it. /s
I'm assuming the 3.6 mil is to build the new wing? Because obviously that flag can't just be added into the museum as it is, oh no, it needs a whole new wing dedicated to it. Worshippers of that flag need a house of worship, after all.
The Underground Railroad Freedom Center in Cincinnati is the closest I’ve ever seen. The first time I went it took me hours and hours to get through (and even then I didn’t see everything). The written accounts of slave experiences, being inside a compartment on a slave ship- these experiences have stayed with me for…
I work at a museum and it doesn’t take $3.6 mil to install a fucking flag, but then you don’t need me to tell you that because anyone with half a brain could work that out for themselves
How is that shocking? (White) Americans have always loved their Confederates and telling descendants of slaves to “get over it” or “it was in the past” or “*I* never owned slaves” or “you people have chip on your shoulders”.
And traitors too, don’t forget the glorification of traitors. That is what the Confederates were, traitors to America. They committed treason, and should be grateful they were not subjected to real punitive measures. They, like ISIS and AQ, declared war on America. That is what that flag represents in addition to the…
I can’t edit for some reason, but that’s not even true. They’re currently building it, but it won’t open until 2016.
The Smithsonian *just* opened a museum of African American history this year.
The United States: A country without a single public museum dedicated to the history of slavery, but numerous museums and memorials dedicated to the glorification of slavers.
I also don’t get the hatred directed at Michelle Obama for trying to make schools supply healthy meals - like, how dare anyone try to ensure kids get nutritious healthy food that increases their ability to learn?? /s
Hi friends. I was one of these kids who never had lunch money. The school district cut my free lunch program by the time I was in high school. I was a single mom on disability situation, we were living off <5k a year and even though we had food stamps, we could only buy what we could carry from the closest thing in…
Is Purel safe for ingestion and/or injection directly into the visual cortex? Asking for a friend.
Somebody needs to invent some kind of eyeball/mind’s eye ERASER.. and QUICKLY.
Ellie are you being punished or something???