
that’s effing genius.

I had to physically restrain my (previously on the fence pro-life) boyfriend from screaming at the protesters on Washtenaw. I live less than a mile away and if I want to go out on Saturday, I almost ALWAYS have to drive by them. The young girls make me the saddest.

According to the “experts” the water was treated and filtered properlly — however since it’s WAY more acidic coming from the Flint river (which is downriver from several manufacturing plants that dump their crap into the river directly) the water eats away at the old lead pipes once it’s past the filtering and

I think it would be great even for the occasional southeast Michigan news story to happen just for some insight on what it's like here and what it can be like and the amount of people who have been completely screwed over by so many different things that have happened here. Obviously as everyone knows I think (?

Now that Gawker is going political I would love see a regular feature on Flint and/or Detroit.

Yeah, I hear that.

I’m on record predicting that Snyder will be a leading GOP presidential candidate in 2020 based on his touting a “Michigan Miracle.”

PREACH. Fuck new Gawker.

This has seriously been going on for far too long and I’m glad to see someone other than Michigan Radio & Muckraker finally talking about it. Somehow, I think that if this was happening literally anywhere else but Flint it would be reported on more frequently, if not fixed already. I’m also convinced Muckraker is the

Agree. I live in Metro Detroit, but I have a cousin who has covered this story extensively. Under Snyder, the people of Flint have been lied to repeatedly, and these families have been the victims of cost-cutting measures solely because it was assumed that they’d be too poor and ignorant to do anything about it. It’s

I just want to point out that this is happening in the United States, by far the wealthiest country on Earth and the wealthiest in the history of human civilization on Earth.

I wonder about the boys too. The girls very obviously have it worse, but a few years of Christian homeschooling with the expectation that you’ll need to provide for a massive, massive family on a single income with few job options has to be terrifying. The Duggars are just lucky that they’re paid for being weirdos. I

I don’t think Jana’s singleness demonstrates a lack of brainwashing, rather Michelle’s refusal to say goodbye to her No. 1 helper. I haven’t seriously watched the show in years, but I imagine Jana more or less runs the joint, especially now that girls 2 and 3 are out of the home. She’s basically the spinster doomed to

I’m sure her not being married has something to do with her having the most responsibilities since she’s the eldest daughter. If she leaves and there aren’t enough girls left to do housework and take care of the younger kids (*barf*), her mom will be saddled with the burden again. According to one regular commenter on

I think you just answered your own question.

What bugged me most was the ultra-passive voice about “things that happened” — it was never ever “bad things our brother did” or “the stupendously negligent way in which our parents tried to sweep it under the rug.” Throw in the husband’s haircuts and their professed ignorance about all things baby (really? a pregnant

My understanding is that they did a little preaching at the heathen Catholics in El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala (notably, all places people like to visit rather than places undergoing huge humanitarian crises) and a lot of vacationing on other people’s donated dime.

Well I sincerely doubt they do any charitable work since they are always asking for donations for themselves. Actively trying to convert people? Nah the Catholics already beat them to it. My guess it is just a long vacation that they take, being paid for by all those donations and TLC.

Why do the husbands all have Jim Carrey’s hair from Dumb and Dumber?

I really hope Jana gets out. She’s the oldest girl and still not married, so I think there’s hope she’s not totally brainwashed.