See, this is why we should put a stop to science. I feel like we’re at a pretty good point right now before we have to start wrestling with the ethics of clone-fucking or genetically enhanced toddlers.
I’ve never understood people who want their elected leaders to be as dumb as they are.
Dude, FUCK BURT REYNOLDS. And fuck anyone who thinks being around/being nice to shitty toxic ‘family’ members is mandatory simply because they are ‘family’.
Noel Gallagher: Adele’s music is bland and “for fucking grannies,” but he loves Coldplay.
If you’ve ever been to a shooting range you know the average person is a really shitty shot, especially under pressure. They’re more likely to kill someone standing 20 feet away. But sure lets give every fucker who wants one a gun and maybe that’ll solve the problem.
Wow I can’t believe that didn’t work
Another thing about the Charles Whitman shooting:
I was a freshman when Colton Tooley came on campus and started shooting. I was in my classroom and remember the professors and SWAT teams keeping us there while I cried and regretted my decision of coming to the US to study.
You left out the best quote: “We love freedom and we’re trying to make more freedom,” he said.
Hahahaha. These same asshole shame mothers for using food stamps. They say that the kids can starve because if they keep feeding them it will encourage handouts and laziness.
Here’s your scientific reminder that THEY. AREN’T. BABIES. Fetuses, yes. Zygotes, sure. Cells, you betcha. But not fucking babies. If you want to fight for babies, go see what you can do for infants and toddlers in need.
True, the San Bernardino shooting took a lot more lives. And people should cover it extensively. But it’s just sad that this one was almost completely forgotten because apparently we can’t focus on two stories at the same time. And it’s sad that a lot of people jumped on the other one with relief, because condemning…
If his lawyer does the same thing he did during the James Holmes trial, I imagine this will cost a small fortune for the taxpayers and we will have a verdict in...2-3 years.
If I know my pro-life rhetoric, they will say that he took it too far but that some people are just sensitive to the Injustice of it All (tm). Never mind that this particular PP didn’t provide abortions and most of the pregnant women there were seeking prenatal testing, you see, because Planned Parenthood is evil and…
At least he’ll still be able to pen op-eds for The Blaze from there.
Fetal Justice Warrior? still no motive, huh?
She also once cancelled a meeting with Putin because he was late.
Well, they’ve never gone wrong giving it to a German chancellor before.