
God bless (and simultaneously damn) the person who made this:

I’m not sure I really get what you’re saying here. Should people in the 1950’s not have commented on what a gigantic asshole McCarthy was because, you know, he’ll burn himself out eventually?

I don’t know, he’s had to see Cruz’s name all over the news this whole time. I have a particularly vile former roommate that after a few years of hate I’ve graduated to a semi-zen “I wish her well, and far away” POV, but if she had a political following constantly Tweeting about how she was the smartest person in the

I’m with grapeslick. Its a very subtle difference but you can pick up on the difference between someone who is just completely bitterly hating on someone and someone who is doing it for fun. I think Mazin is the latter for sure.

I vote no, because he keeps his sense of humor throughout.

guys hes not wrong

-Jack Handey

I loved Jack Handey’s Deep Thoughts.

Jack’s is the ONLY wisdom I shall respect! To wit:

“Home is where the house is”

Yeah, but I keep hearing people talking about the wonders of space exploration for the sole reason of mining the fuck out of it for minerals and resources. Fuck. That.

Yeah, maybe I won’t bake today.

The Views Weighs In... With Uninformed Speculation

You couldn’t write these guys. No hyperbole, I mean it literally. If you invented villains as cartoonish as the Republican leadership, the Kochs, Murdoch, Ailes, Trump, etc, etc, you’d be mocked harder than E.L. James is in her worst nightmares.

Even if climate change wasn’t a thing at all, how can you see cleaner energy as a bad thing?

Also, ‘only good guys with guns can stop bad guys with guns’, 350+ chances for a law-abiding civilian with a gun to prove this statement to be something than utter bullshit this year and so far......bupkis.