
Yeah, I hear you. It’s weird to me how “evangelical-y” some women can be about birth control methods or menstrual supplies. Like, I don’t need to hear your spiel about what you think I should be on. I’m good. I can figure out what’s best for me with my doctor. Just because I’m not doing what you’re doing doesn’t mean

And how many mass shootings has Norway had again?

This is looking like a mix of the two for sure. They were obviously planning this for a while. But shooting up your workplace rather than a recognizable target is not terrorist MO.

If i wasn’t act work I would post the video of the Chris Rock bit about bullets being $1,000 each and how that would reduce drive by shootings.

I do not understand what the fuck is up with people trying to explain what “dribble” means. We’re all aware, you know.

oh my fucking god everyone I KNOW WHAT ITS CALLED and it in itself is not gross but that fucking phrase is,. The word dribble is inherently not great.

I have a friend who was very diligent about “natural” birth control - charting her body temperature, where she was in her cycle, “fertile days” and the lot. She has three kids, each one a beautiful mystery, apparently.

1. It’s not more reliable than condoms. Where did you come up with that?

So this happened to me - an accidental drunk pregnancy. We weren’t on permanent birth control because we were planning on having another at some point (maybe a year later). I don’t really see why this is bad. If I didn’t want anymore kids for sure, my husband would have been snipped. We were already parents. We knew

I jump up and down just because I got sexed for like, maybe the third time that year.

How many times have you heard “we weren’t trying but we decided to stop using birth control”?

That is so fucking gross. “Hey, you’ll just go through a serious medical procedure that costs a lot of money so I don’t have to wrap my dick, right?”

My cousin tried this method to get out of having kids, she now has 2. She and her husband were very vocal about never wanting kids, but after 12 years of marriage, her mother talked them (mostly the husband) into it. She said she would go off birth control and if it happened, it happened, if not, that’s great. She

There’s also something creepy about the subtle “accidental pregnancies may make some childfree-by-choicers someone embrace motherhood” message. Sure, it’s true for some, but overall, isn’t giving women as much control over what happens to their body as possible for the best?

I had a guy I was dating not want to use any form of protection (which was never going to happen) because he just assumed I would have an abortion in the case of accidental pregnancy. I told him I would not, which is why I always use at least one form of contraception. He was completely shocked that someone would not

What you’re talking about is what I would call the Welp! method. “I wasn’t sure and then it happened. Welp!” And it worked out well for you but there are plenty of mothers to whom it happened and they didn’t love it.

Yeah I got a goldilocks vibe at the beginning, like “This birth control isn't effective enough, this birth control is TOO effective :("

Fascinating. I don’t feel this way at all. I am deeply committed to not getting pregnant, and always have been. I have nightmares about finding out that I’m pregnant. I reflect almost every single day on how grateful I am not to be pregnant or have kids. I’m almost certain that I would get an abortion if I did get

These discussions are always so focused on ourselves. Pregnancy by definition involves multiple people (a partner in reproduction who also consents to becoming a parent, a future child). Creating a whole new human being shouldn’t be a matter of “whoops”, and there’s no reason to be nostalgic about a time when it more