“Why those boys? Why not me?”
“Why those boys? Why not me?”
I really do. Thank you.
It’s really not any grosser and meaner than anything else we eat, though. And from the sound of it, these animals have vastly better lives than the factory-farmed cows, pigs and chickens we eat every day.
What do you think his username on Ashley Madison was?
Hey all, this is one of the “moderate” candidates the GOP has to offer! Seriously, is he going to start up witch hunts again?
It is the year Goddamned 2015 and we are still talking about... nope. Not gonna get riled up about it. This is the death rattle of the patriarchy. I’m gonna go watch videos of kittens on Youtube.
“You know what the values tell you? Why are you 15-years-old and letting some boy take advantage of you?”
I keep asking where the fucking ADULTS are...
He’s not saying “Buy American”. That would be fine.
My boyfriend’s parents were immigrants and he is also first generation. I always get a kick out of telling people this after they start spewing their hate. Even better (or worse) when they bring up Middle Easterners since he is one.
Especially when very few things are actually American made anymore, and many of the things that are American made (cars, I’m looking right at you) suck donkey balls.
Ugh, goddamn fuck all of these xenophobic assholes. And your “american made” “support local economies” bullshit is so transparent. It’s 100% about being racist and screwing over brown people. No matter that they are good, enterprising and hard-working people. People that embody the values that are what America is…
Yup. There have been times when my boyfriend’s parents have been upset with him for one reason or another (he’s the black sheep of the family, he didn’t take the path in college that they chose for him, and never actually finished his degree, plus they hate me) so at times they’ve cut him off and refused to help him.
Yup- working with kids REALLY opens your eyes to what different families can/will give their kids, and what true disadvantage can look like, beginning at birth, for some of these kids that don’t even get emotional support.
Absolutely. I’m reading Eula Biss’s On Immunity right now (which, side note, is AMAZING, and everyone should read it), but she makes the point that this dynamic even exists when it comes to vaccination. It’s mostly a certain class of rich, white parents that are anti-vaxxers, and what they’re essentially doing is…
ugh The fucking bar exam. What a crock of shit. We spend $150,000 over 3 years to get our damn law degrees, and then we have to spend another 3 months and another $5-10k just to get licensed. Why the fuck can’t we do that in school?!
people tell us ALL THE TIME to just “ask our parents” because they assume that, as a doctor and professor, those parents are rich. Not only are they the opposite, but both families were so abusive and/or neglectful that we barely see them anyway.
Yes! I grew up poor and worked really hard to get my degree and although I have never been a social conservative (quite the opposite) I did feel like I was exceptional and that my hard work got me from rural Mexico to a solid middle class life in the U.S. Then I started mentoring a young Chicana and saw that she’s not…
Exactly. Every piece like that this that gets posted to (of course) Facebook someone has to come through on their high-horse about how much they worked hard and had to support themselves and the rest of us millennials don’t know a hard days work. But, maybe because I don’t have very many white friends, that’s not what…
That good ol’ assumption that white people’s lives are the default.