
It’s not true mental illness (and being mentally ill doesn’t mean you want to shoot people, such a bullshit scapegoat) but there’s really something... off about these anti-government, live off the grid types. I am completely unsurprised by all of this information. Nothing good ever comes from strange white men who

There’s an approved poster on Gawker who has serious MRA leanings, has repeatedly posted about raping his wife (though of course he doesn’t think it’s rape), and can be reliably counted on to show up on any article about a woman being raped or murdered to whine about how men are the real victims and the victim is a

Did you ever have kids in grade/high school making makeshift pixie sticks by mixing Kool-Aid/Flavor-Ade powder with sugar and putting it in a plastic sandwich bag?

And an impressive kill count.

Just FYI - “Drink the Kool Aid” doesn’t refer to Kool Aid being disgusting - it’s a reference to the mass suicide by poisoned Kool Aid in Jonestown, Guyana. People who have “drunk the Kool Aid” are brainwashed.

Exactly! They didn’t even need to mix poison in it, because that stuff is death in and of itself.

Two different things going on, which it would be helpful to know. 1) Kool-aid and other colorful fruity non-juice drinks (“purple drink,” “yellow drink”) are for some stereotypically associated with Black Americans, probably because they are cheap grocery store drinks you might drink more often when you are poor, and

I grew up middle class white in the South. We ate loads of fried chicken, watermelon, and kool aid. The racification of these foods greatly puzzles me. Fried chicken and watermelon are some of nature’s most perfect foods! But kool aid can just go the way of jello salad. CEEYA.

that said - there is nothing fundamentally wrong with drinking koolaid (except that sweetening it requires a lot of sugar). but as you said below, it would be on par with the white anchor having asked her if she made fried chicken for thanksgiving. everyone eats fried chicken, just like a lot of people drink koolaid,

CNN guy says we don’t know if this a targeted attack against PP (which is true at this moment), then goes on to say that this is not the way to express the “legitimate” disagreement with the “barbaric practices” shown in those PP videos. This from the “liberal media.” Tinfoil hat crowd is already alerting True

Bella’s face say’s everything. EVERYTHING.

That little girl’s face. Wow.

Yeah, they’re her friends.

I don’t get that line of reasoning. They think women are treated terribly in middle eastern countries, so they want to make sure those wives and daughters have to stay there instead of being able to come here.

I always think of this cartoon whenever people are upset by the clothing of women prescribed by religious doctrine.

Yep. Just saw people yesterday talking on Facebook about how terribly middle eastern countries treat women and how we shouldn’t accept refugees. And all I could think was, “Yeah, because we don’t have assholes who hate women and terrorize them in this country.” And then this. For once, I wish I was wrong. But even

Here is the joint statement released by the Republican presidential candidates:

Depends on the pigment of the shooter’s skin. They could just be mentally ill.

This is terrorism.

This is Terrorism and I would not be surprised if this garbage was born in the USA.