Omega Unlimited

Iceland has become something of a vacation destination in the last ten years or so, so a lot of comedy writers are coming back from there feeling the need to write it into shows like this.

Damn I’d love to justify my love for Airplane! and to describe it as a tool to “comfort the afflicted and afflict the comforted”, but the sad truth is that I laugh at dumb shit.

Excellent username/comment synergy.

maybe if we cross our fingers and yell real hard Musk’ll bail out and we’ll get emergency Sudeikis.

Next Season:

Suggestion: do this with empty cereal boxes instead.

Arranging books by colour is book arranging for people who do not read!

Nah, just people, it’s always people.  

It’s always the self-own that’s the icing on the cake. 

this new method could be a big way to get better at Tetris on NES without having to potentially injure yourself in the process.

It’s honestly quite impressive how well the comics-accurate Sam Wilson Cap costume translates to the screen, though the half-cowl is a bit jarring since MCU Sam has never worn one.

I was kind of shocked we didn’t get the Contessa’s plans more spelled out. Pleasant surprise, though, because we so often get a lot of exposition in these post-credit scenes. She seems to know something “weird” is coming, possibly knows about Skrulls already. US Agent would work well if she’s making a Dark Avengers

Be that as it may, at some point casting directors and studio execs are going to start saying “ya know, if we want a black man for this role, there are a lot of black actors OTHER than Ray Fisher....”

This definitely feels like one of those situations that ‘brands’ should resist the urge to comment on.

Audacity runs on Linux, too -- use it to edit my podcasts.

would be pretty surprising for Jerry Jr. to fuck Caviezel’s wife instead of asking Caviezel to fuck Jerry Jr.’s wife.

Seriously. I wanted a Glenn Beck-style chalkboard rant about cocoa beans, Kid Niki, and declining literacy rates in America.

Actual comedians tend to be pretty smart, in a pure brain-power sort of way.  Being able to be witty live isn’t something the average dumdum can really ever learn to do in the same way as learning a skill like playing music or acting.

I was hoping he'd actually have a conspiracy theory of his own, instead of barfing up the same shit we've been hearing for years. 

I’m GUESSING that a regular welder’s torch couldn’t do enough to vibranium to make it pliable? Then again, I don’t know very much about welding or fictitious super metals...