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NEVER miss Joy Reid on SAT & SUN 10am EST/9am CST on MSNBC. She’s refreshingly DIRECT & ahs great guests—most of them people of color.

Doesn’t she always?

These are the sort of secondary reactions which make a public airing of reality part of the slow process of recovery. Just because the solution isn’t all in one step we shouldn’t give up on public disclosure.

“Performances”... he thinks everything is TV

I’m seeing other outlets already calling it a “victory lap” too— but so far, everyone is quick to point out that it’s only Trump considering this to be a victory, not that there’s any actual victory. Which is good to note (though I can’t speak for the RWNJ outlets).

When I used to hear George W. Bush speak to reporters, I always got the impression that if he were not the President, he would be coaching a high school or college softball team. For Obama, the impression was always that he would be giving an academic lecture at some university somewhere.

Has Paul “this was a colossal waste of time” Blest beheld your posting, or one of a dozen like them?  These are the sort of secondary reactions which make a public airing of reality part of the slow process of recovery.  Just because the solution isn’t all in one step we shouldn’t give up on public disclosure.

Thumbs up from me too!

That was perfect

“I refuse to eat unless this meal is cooked, served, cut into bits, and fed into my mouth by a butler in my bed.”

It makes sense if you understand their motivation, which is to make anyone to the right of a card carrying member of the Williamsburg chapter of the DSA look evil and corrupt.

Sim City? What a great way to introduce your child to what addiction is like.

Fuck off, you commie scum! What’s so hard about 63,360 inches to a mile? It’s super simple to remember!

These people are their own worst enemies.

Yes, this was for the people like the woman interviewed at the Justin Amash town hall who said she had no idea that the Mueller Report didn’t exonerate Trump. There are WAY too many people who “know” that it did, and if this can get enough of them to realize that it didn’t, then it wasn’t a complete waste of time.

the media should check their own artificial criteria for what is or isn’t a “disaster.”

We would then be required to say that the Rays went the whole 8.2296 meters with their lineup.

This is the problem with both the media and blogs like this. They largely accepted Barr’s interpretation of the report before the report was even released. After creating a false impression of what was in the report, they then want Democrats to correct their mistake in explaining to the public about the crimes the

If this had happen during the Montreal portion of the Rays season, it would have been even more confusing because it would have all been in metric.