Hope you’ve found some better antivirus since then.
Hope you’ve found some better antivirus since then.
People like her are also the reason why we shouldn’t
People like Danielle Stella are the reason we have warning stickers on hairdryers telling you not to use them in the shower.
I believe the children are our future.
How were people not alerted by the smell of the decomposition?
seconded...bestseller status or otherwise the report is a slow read & the people who have so much as listened all the way to the end of the audiobook are, I’d wager, substantially outnumbered by the ones who haven’t...so even if he doesn’t offer up anything new it’ll still come as news to more people than it should...
I’m just frustrated to the point that I basically have no hope. I want to be optimistic. But I really doubt that republican voters can be swayed. Especially if Faux News continues to somehow spin the upcoming testimony as “exoneration”.
Americans don’t read. Having Video clips of him essentially reading for them might actually make a difference in public opinion
I disagree. The report was so badly covered the first time by the media that a second chance could have value. If Mueller stating things from the report leads to the report being more widely read or conclusions penetrating deeper into the American public than it’d be a solid win for the Democrats. The ignorance…
Look, she definitely tossed that cat a bit rougher than I would have but if you’ve ever owned a cat, you know it was just fine.
Strange world we live in
I’m an East Coaster and the one time I went to CA, I made point to get an In-N-Out burger. It was okay. I was promised the best fast food burger of my life, but I think I still prefer Five Guys.
Relax. The election is 15 months away.
You realize you sound just like the Republicans who are saying “IT’S NANCY PELOSI’S FAULT TRUMP WAS FORCED TO BE RACIST TO THESE WOMEN” As if Trump would never say such a thing otherwise.
Paul proposed sitting down with Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif to extend a fresh olive branch on the president’s behalf, according to four U.S. officials. The aim: to reduce tensions between the two countries. Trump signed off on the idea.
I live in a district where we’d love to have even a full on conservative democrat, it would be a nice change from the republicans we’ve had for decades (I think maybe we had one for two years, we keep getting gerrymandered into different districts).
The Squad gets this and the rest of America does too.
I went to MoviesFoundOnline, and I clicked on “Stream in HD Now!” for one of the movies. My McAfee software really didn’t like the site that I was sent to. I’m not planning to go to that site again.