Omega Unlimited

I second this approach.

They were too busy bungling in the jungle.

I’m pretty sure that the numbers are part of the episode titles this season. i.e. “403 Forbidden”. That is how it is showing up on the Mr. Robot twitter account.

I noticed that too. It seems that characters are interacting directly with both Elliot and Mr. Robot when they didn’t in previous seasons.

Was that the moment Whiterose made a mistake?

On her belt are a mala, a beaded Vietnamese self-defense weapon, and her sheriff’s star sit on her hip.

Redacted due to poor reading skills.

If there really are three personalities in Elliot, I’m calling them “The Three Amigas”.

What do I do with all these freaking LEGOs?

You are correct.

At this point, Mr. Robot could kill off Elliot in the season premier and I wouldn’t be too surprised. I’ve learned to go with the flow and enjoy the ride. As long as Flipper isn’t sent to a farm upstate, I’ll be fine with however it ends.

It would be interesting for Cater to run just to see how the Evangelicals would smear him. It would probably be worse than anything I can imagine.

Now playing

I found a video of a guy demonstrating Tabata with an aerobic step. He lays out a progression of difficulty and has advice on when to advance based on heart rate.

I’m starting to think the impeachment process won’t make it to the Senate. The House has held only one public hearing, and Trump has already lost it. Two more weeks of this, and the Republicans will invoke the 25th Amendment as an act of self-preservation.

I agree. This is too Dr. Evil, even for Cheeto Mussolini.

But for the SNL machine to gaze over the smoldering news landscape concerning the gathering impeachment shitstorm and decide that “watery, irrelevantly inoffensive celebrity impression” was the direction to go in suggests that it’s Saturday Night Live, rather than the Democrats, who can’t focus up and do the damned

You would think the Senate Republicans would be able to bury something like that. It must be really bad.

I found an article at HuffPo.

Source? I don’t doubt you. I need to see for myself.