It would be funny if all 2020 candidates were involved in Ukraine except Marianne Williamson and she became the front runner.
It would be funny if all 2020 candidates were involved in Ukraine except Marianne Williamson and she became the front runner.
“I think it’s all the issues, but if this is the issue that brings us to 218 then we should focus on this issue,” she told CNN Wednesday.
The Pod Save America crew raised $475,000 in a week for Stacey Abrams’ Fair Fight 2020 campaign to fight voter suppression. They may score 95% on the liberal purity test, but they are getting the right stuff done.
Who at Splinter has the distasteful task of writing about Pelosi’s press conference? Or are we going to have to wait until tomorrow for the “Pelosi’s Stonewalling: a Retrospective” article.
There is always the possibility that the Inspector General complaint is about something else entirely. I would love that it is, as that would mean Trump and Co. admitted to a completely different crime.
It’s the whistleblower. Having a witness to Trump’s corruption in office who is willing to testify is a big step forward.
These people are loosing their touch. A RWNJ on the top of his game would have used “mentally ill socialist child.” You have to stoke the AOC/Sanders fear at the same time.
I teach at a community college, so a recession helps my position. Enrollment spikes when there is a recession and layoffs. That means extra classes and more overload teaching.
Ironically, I have a hard time spelling “literacy”. I want to spell it “litteracy”.
It would give them more time for their second job.
All things about Trump can be explained by projection.
The problem with the “dump Trump” strategy for the Republicans is that success in their primaries depends on keeping the base happy. That is why Republicans grow a spine only after announcing their retirement.
Now the question is who does warren tap as VP.
I show this video when I teach the quadratic formula. It’s not mnemonic, but it’s still catchy.
What does the WFP have to gain by lying? What do they get by endorsing Warren and not Sanders?
Safe or not, it still seems like a stupid thing to do.
With as little TV as I watch, DVD’s are cheaper than streaming for new shows. The only streaming shows in which I have any interest are Star Trek Discovery and Escape at Dannemora. I bought both on DVD for less than five months of Netflix. I have to wait two more months for season 2 of Discovery, but I have more than…
Leftists have almost no track record of winning elections against conservatives. A few weeks ago, I went looking for examples of socialists winning against incumbent Republicans. I only found one example in a Virginia state race in an off-year election in 2017. Leftists defeating incumbent Democrats in safe, liberal…
Bernie won against Clinton, or against Trump? Bernie won with all voters or with registered Democrats?