During 2018, McGrath was running ads of her visiting the border. Her message was that you can secure the border and be compassionate to asylum seekers.
During 2018, McGrath was running ads of her visiting the border. Her message was that you can secure the border and be compassionate to asylum seekers.
I live in Eastern Kentucky. I’m pretty confident that all five liberals in my county will happily vote for McGrath.
My parenting philosophy is ... fluid. That is to say, I’m constantly learning, making mistakes, course-correcting, and learning some more.
I’m all for helmets. I flipped over my handlebars and gave my self a concussion. I literally don’t remember how I got home. That was with a helmet. Without the helmet, it would have been so much worse.
I have an Everlast, and I love it. I like the ability to easily send notes to different destinations and in multiple formats. I can send personal notes to my Google Drive, school notes to my college OneDrive as PDF’s, and notes to students as JPEG’s to send through e-mail. The Frixion pens and highlighters are…
I found the first five seasons on DVD at Goodwill for about $25 or so. That is the perfect amount of “The Simpsons” for me.
To Delaney’s credit, he recognized his own ass when it was handed to him.
My wife teaches at an elementary school in Ohio where some kids don’t eat all weekend. This will hurt those kids. Of course, all of their parents are Trump supporters.
I hop between Splinter and Talking Points Memo. I find the coverage at TPM to be less sensational and the comment section more enlightening. If it weren’t for io9, Lifehacker, and a few people in the comments here, I wouldn’t bother with the site at all.
My Facebook has been deactivated for seven months and I’m still concerned. I bought a Samsung phone recently. After I bought it, I discovered you cannot not remove the Facebook app from Samsung phones. I have the Facebook app disabled, but I still have a nagging feeling that Facebook is still getting my info somehow.
I have a hard time thinking of games that were released when I was in graduate school as “retro.” Crap, I’m old.
Damn! Joy Reid nailed it.
I’m on Linux at the moment, so yeah.
Hello, old me.
From my experience, the nostalgia is rooted in a desire for simpler games. I lost all interest in video games about twelve years ago when I got a full-time teaching job after graduate school. I don’t have the time and energy to put over one hundred hours in a game to finish it. I can happily play The Legend of Zelda…
No Republican voters will be swayed by anything Mueller says. The key to getting out of our political jam is to get the majority of voters who are staying home on election day to the polls. Mueller explaining the main ideas of his report in small words will hopefully expose the full extent of Trump’s crimes to the…
If Trump is getting this from anywhere, it’s Tucker Carlson. He started the whole thing of immigrants not being qualified to tell Americans how to run their country.
Here is the next bite. House votes to hold Barr and Ross in contempt.
95 down, 123 to go. Then we have to convince only 14 Republican senators to vote for conviction. Onward to Victory!