
LMAO.. stopping an armed man on a murder spree with deadly force is archaic justice? I’m a liberal but people like you make me fucking sick. Get your head out of your ass and live in the real world. This isn’t a hippe commune, this isn’t a movie where someone can talk reason into the sniper and he will give up if you

Well that’s because liberals are fucking retarded.

Seems to me race relations were better in Bush’s America.

If a guy says he has a bomb on him, is holed up, says he will kill anyone that comes close, and is actively shooting, the appropriate response is to send a bomb bot in and use a shaped charge to detonate any explosives he has on his person before he has a chance to do it on his terms. If the charge kills him, oh well.

You’re really focusing on the real issues here, bravo. Why didn’t they try harder to take this mass murderer alive? Clearly it was racism, and there couldn’t possibly be any other reason why they killed him after hours of negotiations. Where are the protests and murals for this guy, huh? He’s a god damn saint and the

Do you truly believe the police would have acted differently if the sniper was white? The fucking sniper had already killed 5 police officers and wounded other police and civilians and claimed to have a bomb. The police just wanted this over ASAP so they could go home and be with their families. They would have blown

Welcome to Obama’s America.

What extraordinary means did police go through to detain white suspects? Tell them to drop their weapons and put their hands above their heads?

He killed five people and injured six more! They should have taken the poor man alive because reasons.

I like how so many people are outraged on how the police took down an armed maniac on a murder spree.

Nothing says good idea like trying to take a guy responsible for shooting 11 people and killing 5 and who is claiming to have bombs all over the area alive. If this wasn’t an appropriate use of deadly force, there is no such appropriate use.

The robot (more accurately drone) wasnt autonomous, it was remote controlled.

The bomb squad (which operated the robot) already had the ability to trigger an explosive device attached to the robot. That technique would normally be used to detonate a (bad) bomb. Because MacGyver wasn’t available, jerry rigging a gun/taser/etc. probably wasn’t really an option.

it’s what is used by the bomb squad to disarm explosives., the victim was saying he had a bomb on him and they tried to negotiate with him for hours before they had no other option in order to prevent a possible worse outcome.

I do not believe at this point the police had any obligation to use restraint. This killer had to be neutralized at first opportunity before more people got killed.

As far as I’m concerned the guy got what he deserved, and this option was most likely less expensive than taking him alive. That being said wouldn’t a tear gas grenade or several flash bangs, a robot with a shotgun and bean bag rounds have been an option?

I was jerking off when the bulletins came across the TV saying Diana had died. Totally ruined my efforts. No need for a re-try in 10 minutes, it was no use. Thanks a lot, Diana.

That happened on my first night after moving into the dorms my freshman year of college. My roommate and I went to a house party and I remember this girl in full-on breakdown because Diana was dead.

Diana. I remember my mom watching that funeral all fucking day after seeing on the news that she died a few days before and having no idea who she even was much less why everyone was so enthralled...

A large percentage of people believe God created life on earth. A large percentage of people believe life just happened randomly, starting with a single cell organism and evolved over billions of years. Both groups are passionate about their beliefs. Neither can be proved or disproved. Why is one group