
The last time I heard of this “human scent” (on bunnies) myth it was thoroughly debunked. But yes, humans need to fucking stop interfering with wild life. There are people who call the police because an animal is eating another animal. I seriously don’t understand how removed some people can be.

I used a $75 IP cam, and it worked great. Baby was a light sleeper, so it was a big benefit that I could peek in on her without risking waking her up. Overnight, I’d have Tinycam Pro in the background so if she cried I could go check what was up. Now that she’s bigger, I use the IP cam as a supplement to my

I wish more dudes would groom simply because of how gross it is to leave your little curly inch-long pubic hairs on the urinals at work.

I don’t understand how this is a gender thing. Myself and all my male friends shave there too.

Now playing

Now if we can find the asshole that created the sound of the modem.

As a Mexican, (home of one of the most corrupt governments in the world) I feel your pain and hope that whatever it happens, things get better. Because is not fair for the people to be suffering such things just for the sake of international sports.

I don’t know that you can hurt the image of the Olympics anymore. They have a history of ruining the host country.

I, as a Brazilian, am proud to be a citizen of the country that will be known worldwide for hosting the most fucked up Olympics ever.

Not people people, you know, just the colorful ones.

wait, cops are allowed to try and run a (black) man over for suspected burglary??

Is it just me or is this the helicopter guy’s way of saying the ground units are a bunch of incompetent fucksticks?

Now playing

I’ll never get to do the slide, ‘cause I ain’t paying no $25 for four seconds of sliding fun!

OK, I clocked it. The slide takes :04. That’s $25 for four seconds of slide.

Not that simple, the entire scope is optimized for infrared so that it can see further away and further back in time than Hubble.


I love how many people him and post his stuff without realizing hes a christian. The times people have noticed they either continue to sub to him or they yell at him and unsub. Its amazing how ones perspective changes when you find out something about a person who you think is so awesome. Especially something as

Dustin discovered that where the fuel and oxygen mix inside the tube is ignited—either at one end or the middle—can greatly affect the power at which it launches a potato

What a fucking stupid headline, its just a potato cannon.

“Creating invisibility”....please stop using that.

You must live in a not so nice area. I’ve noticed...the more ghetto the area the more they lockup the mundane things. I’ve been to Dollar Generals where they keep the laundry detergent under lock and key. I was glad to be out of there.