
On the 6s one needed 2 objects to listen to music/videos:

Oh...shut up.

It’s not only ‘not uncommon’ it’s standard business practice. All European commercial jets have a placard showing the ownership and insurance trail mounted quite prominently in the cockpit and these things are not small...

Only a dumbass would pay taxes if there was a method in which they could get away with not doing so. Welcome to the tax code, it’s convoluted for a reason; and that is, so that the politicians that created the thing and all it’s modifications can take advantage of whatever they want. If regular citizens take advantage

Snitches get stitches, mother fuckers!

OMFG! I used to work in a very cussy workplace, it was great. Not over the top, but just the right amount. Now I work in a fucking convent. It takes some serious shit for someone to get worked up, and when they finally let out any expletive (after-hours), they immediately apologize. Cursing really brings a team

I had a nice big office with a door for years. I kept it shut and cussed up a motherfucking storm constantly. About 6 months ago everyone lost their offices for an open concept (which I despise). I figured I’d have to clean up my language since I’d be surrounded by people who could hear me. In reality, my fucking

Words are only as powerful as you make them. I say what I want when I want and make no apologies for that. If you are offended that’s your problem not mine.

... Fuck is my office approved crutch word.

I drop F bombs at work like the 8th Air Force over Germany. That said, be smart/professional and don’t curse in front of the client.

We’re apparently cut from the same cloth. After reading, I did the same thing. “Damn, I clearly missed it.” Nope.

i Ctrl+F the word “teeth” and don’t get an answer.

I read the article to learn WHY.

We ... removed her teeth...

Counterpoint: go ahead and pee in the pool. It’s fine.

You don’t pee in the pool because others would be floating in your piss. That is why.

I believe that in order to make a 400 year old sword you must follow these steps:

That’s the tiniest anal probe I’ve ever seen. I thought NASA guys are supposed to have the right stuff.

Are you sure that’s not a time machine?