
Oh...shut up.

It’s not only ‘not uncommon’ it’s standard business practice. All European commercial jets have a placard showing the ownership and insurance trail mounted quite prominently in the cockpit and these things are not small...

Only a dumbass would pay taxes if there was a method in which they could get away with not doing so. Welcome to the tax code, it’s convoluted for a reason; and that is, so that the politicians that created the thing and all it’s modifications can take advantage of whatever they want. If regular citizens take advantage

I was jerking off when the bulletins came across the TV saying Diana had died. Totally ruined my efforts. No need for a re-try in 10 minutes, it was no use. Thanks a lot, Diana.

That happened on my first night after moving into the dorms my freshman year of college. My roommate and I went to a house party and I remember this girl in full-on breakdown because Diana was dead.

Diana. I remember my mom watching that funeral all fucking day after seeing on the news that she died a few days before and having no idea who she even was much less why everyone was so enthralled...

You also think the white man is the devil according to all your other posts. Go back to gawker.

i did not get where is the robot now? At 46/86k im sure it must still be alive?