
I had a co-worker that was a bitch, superior to me, and she asked what did so and so say? And in the sentence I repeated he said Fuck, not a big fucking deal where I used to work, and that bitch sent me to HR. I swear. Sat right in front of her an HR and said “lady if you cant listen to me repeat what someone said,

Dude, these robots have been around for years, I drove one at the BEST robotics comeptition like 12 years ago, and the cops were showing us how they had a 12 gauge attachment, tear gas attachment, could use it remotely, could use it via fiber optics. This is not anything new. Actually, it was an amazing way to prevent

Thats stupid

Monica sucking off Bill

Anne Frank did not exist, well, at least according to Muslims.

There is nothing wrong with a camera, you just seem too parinoid.

This guy needs to get laid

Just throw that cardboard piece of shit in the trash and go buy a new dresser that isnt made of cardboard.

It comes up all the time with my friends. Always joke about nipping the sack on accident.

Thats pretty cool. If my daughter were older I would buy this. $150 is steep though, more along the line of $100 price range in my opinion. Good old branding.

This guy hella needs to get laid

My bad, it wasnt Casey Chan that wrote the headline, it was Gersh Kuntzman. Wonder if his PTSD kicked in again?

In addition to that you can see the potato moving fairly soon into the combustion. How much of the energy gets wasted regardless of the method? I always built mine with the igniter in the side and I usually got a secondary flare up milliseconds after the projectile left. Makes sense to me now. In terms of power, I

He looks like a holy roller, nothing wrong with that. People pass judgement on stupid things. Hes a goofy over excited guy, but hey he has fun doing what he does, dont know why people need to be crappy.

Im surprised Casey Chan didnt write the headline.

am I the only one that thinks zuckerturd is annoying looking and in real life?

LOL the sshort bus

Very cool. Im a canon guy, canon 40D. Surprised not more Nikon guys talking trash. LOL, always hear that from my Nikon friends, I think they secretly like Canon, of course.

I got one of these a couple months ago when it was on sale last time. Such a great price for what you get. I have a bose soundlink mini, its obviously better, but it also cost $200. This thing is awesome to throw in a bag and go to the pool being water proof.

I got one of these a couple months ago when it was on sale last time. Such a great price for what you get. I have a

facebook is promoting being a faggot, true story. zuckerturd loves being a fag.