
It must only be for show, because YEAH RIGHT like any Packers fan could actually fit in a Smart car.

We history geeks from io9 make our way too deadspin too :P

Christianity is apparently like Choose Your Own Adventure. She can pick out the stuff she likes (hating gays, long denim skirts) and ignore the stuff she doesn’t (divorce is bad).

This is along the lines of what I’m angry at this morning. A lot of conservatives on my newsfeed are outraged over the gross shooting of that sheriff in Texas (I’m outraged too, another senseless shooting!). But where the fuck is their outrage when a person who isn’t a police officer/sheriff is shot to death? It’s

Christianity is apparently like Choose Your Own Adventure. She can pick out the stuff she likes (hating gays, long denim skirts) and ignore the stuff she doesn’t (divorce is bad).

Thanks! I happen to think yours is VERY clever! :D

No doubt- that joke is nearly twice as old as the kid who instigated it.

This is the first thing I see when I open the internet today. Who knew a 15 year old from Iowa could give me such joy on my birthday? I feel like Jared Fogle.

They say that Deez Nuts is an Independent, but in my experience he has always leaned more to the left.

“You like Dragons, yes? Good, because I am going to be draggin’ my balls all over this country’s chin in the White House.”

Sometimes I love America, and sometimes I REALLY love America.

CB4 is closer to fact and it has Charlie Murphy!

I can’t wait for the soundtrack of this movie to come out.

The best part about it was they didn’t seem to realize that a Parental Warning sticker made an album more desirable to us.

I assure you, if I could issue orders to my people, “try to read with an open mind” would be way up the list.

not but he’ll die of cancer in shitty smelling clothes.

Adam Levine doesn’t need instagram. He just goes out there and gets the job done!

Men’s dress pants + leg hair = you need dryer sheets.

Check out the Erica Hill interview on “digging in with the Duggar’s”: Jessa jokes about keeping the baby’s gender a secret, to which josh responds “like you can keep a secret”.. Given the history between the two....kind of a creepy thing to say in any context.